Can strong school maths and physics grades make up for a weak SAT 1 math section?

Hi guys so I got a 680 on the math SAT 1. Which is a bummer because my other 2 sections are both >720. However, I do have a good history of high performance in math based subjects at school. I have a A* at GCSE (British system 10th grade exams) and A at AS level (11th grade exams) and am predicted an A for my A2’s (12th grade). I have been achieving A*'s in physics throughout high school. I have a 760 on the physics SAT 2 - I am not bad at math, the SAT format just doesn’t suit me.

Will admissions officers at top schools realize this, and will it mitigate my weaker sat score?

Adcoms at elite schools weigh your GPA over your test scores.

That’s certainly news to me.


@skieurope I would think that they would. GPA shows your perfomance all throughout high school and persistent high grades in certan subjects; the SATs is one test on one day that can be ultimately affected by a bunch of little things, and can be easily retaken.

@neonerudite‌ But SATs are standardized. Grades vary a lot between schools and even classes within a school. In many classes they are largely a completion score.

@Matt846 A levels are different than SAT’s in the sense that they are sent to an exam board to mark - so results are much more standardized than just results for individual schools. Universities in the UK - top ones like Oxford and LSE - use only A level grades as indicators of academic performance. I really hope the adcom people realize this.