Can Virginia Tech be a safety school?

Hey I’m trying to apply to a good safety school. I am hoping to study engineering.
Virginia tech has great engineering and seems like a place I would enjoy spending 4 years. It also has a pretty high 72% acceptance rate.
However, I know that usually engineering is more selective.
Can I still consider VA Tech a safety? (my stats are below and I live in CA so not in-state)
If not, what about U of C Boulder?


GPA: 3.88/4.3W
Rank: (9/275)

Current Senior Year Classes: AP Computer Science, AP Calculus AB, AP Physics C Mechanics, AP Literature and Composition, Engineering and Technology Design 2, Economics (will earn an A in all)

ACT: 34 (W34, M33, R34, S33)

APs: Environmental Science(5), US History(5), Lang/Comp(5)

SAT II: Physics: 800, Math II: 740

(Self-studied AP Environmental Science and half of Physics Subject Test. Are colleges impressed by this?)

Enrolled at school’s Physics and Engineering Academy: Two-year program including a specific set of physics and engineering courses centered around a project-based curriculum. I use CAD design software, 3D printing, laser cutting, and workshop fabrication tools to design and fabricate engineering projects.

No big awards of prestigious competitions.

Cross Country (Captain)
Track (Captain)
Ultimate Frisbee Club (Captain and founder)
Amigos de Las Americas: 2 month service project living with host family in Costa Rica
Park Service Internship
Sunday School Teacher
Outward Bound
Jazz Band and Wind Ensemble

Thanks so much.

I would normally say no, but with you being OOS and having excellent stats - I think you could consider VT a safety (or a match at the very least).

Who is paying for VT though, especially OOS? Are you parents willing to do that? Why not stay in CA where there are a number of excellent schools?

Safer to look it as a match although I do believe you have an excellent chance of admission. The high overall acceptance rate is misleading in terms of engineering. And to be considered a true safety, it has to be affordable. Some of your California schools that have engineering may be good options for adding safeties to your list.

With you being from California, what about Santa Clara? Its a very good school in Silicon Valley and is not that difficult to get into especially with your stats and you may be able to get some good scholarships.

@SouthFloridaMom9 and @sevmom. Yes I have applied to a bunch of California schools (UCLA, UCB, UCD, UCSD, UCSB and CalPoly). In addition I am guaranteed admission to at least UC Riverside or Merced (due to being top 9% in CA). I am mostly looking for a safety that I would be a little more excited to go to than one of those.

If not VA Tech do you think U of C Boulder could be a safety?

@diamondking2 I have looked at Santa Clara. But it is expensive. Do they give a lot of merit aid.

A friend told me they did but that is all I know about their aid. It is too far away from home for me to attend, but I researched it a lot and loved it so I just thought since you live much closer that you might like it. I would look at their website though to check out scholarships and aid.

OP - are you aware that VT does not give out much merit aid?

There is a good point upthread that a true safety needs to be affordable.

@SouthFloridaMom9 Yes I know. I was referencing diamond king’s response about Santa Clara for merit aid.
I think you are right about safety schools. I at least know that I can go to a (relatively cheap) UC if it all falls through.
Do you know anything about U of C Boulder?

Unfortunately I know nothing about the Colorado schools. Wishing you all the best OP!

I live in VA…my son’s stats are almost the same as you, but obviously he is in-state here. We are considering VA Tech as his safety - he is more interested in UVa though and other OOS and privates. However a year ago, another kid I knew didn’t even apply in-state to Va Tech as he knew he had very little chance of acceptance, and he went to U of C Boulder and loves it. So I think UC Boulder is probably easier to get in to, at least it is for VA engineering students. UC Boulder is very costly OOS, I think (not sure though) that VA Tech would be cheaper OOS than UC. People seem to think Va Tech is the holy grail around here for engineering,but I had to make my son apply. Most people really love it. Isolated campus in SW Virginia, not close to much at all, great sports and great food. Cute little town right next to campus.