Chance me VT College of Engineering

Demographics: Male, White, In-State

Intended Major: Computer science or computer engineering

SAT (superscored): 2040
Reading: 690
Math: 630
Writing: 720

Class rank: N/A but most definitely in top 10%

Cummulative GPA: 4.40

Coursework: IB Diploma Candidate
IB Physics II HL
IB English II HL
IB History HL
IB Spanish I
IB Computer Science

Extracurriculars: a lot of music-related activities, boy scouts, game development club

I’m only worried about my SAT Math score. It says on Virginia Tech’s Common Data Set that Standardized Test Scores are Very Important, but surely my other stats more than sufficiently show that I’m capable, right?

What part of Virginia?

Unless you’re NOVA I like your chances. Even if you’re in NOVA it’s still a decent shot.

I read somewhere that they had record applications this year, so that’s a wild card.

Good luck.

Yeah, I’m in NOVA. I’ve done the absolute best I could all throughout high school, so I’m just confused as to what else I could have done besides sink more money into SAT prep, which I already put over $1000 bucks in.

If you’ve done your best, that is all you can do. Do not get down about that - you have much to be proud of. Many students would love to have your stats. Great job in high school, and I really hope you get in!

Thanks, I’m just worried because I haven’t gotten accepted anywhere and I may have over-estimated myself and thought this would be a safety school for me. I’ve been denied/deferred from everywhere I’ve applied so far, so as you can imagine this is nerve-wracking. Hopefully I’ll hear back this Monday.

That is tough. Where else are you looking? It’s still not too late for certain schools.

Hope you hear good news on Monday.

My niece goes to VT and loves it. My son applied there from Florida, and would also do CS or CE.

Besides Tech, I only have University of Maryland left. I just don’t think I have it in me to get rejected from what I thought was a safe school.

Maybe the universe is nudging you another direction! It will work out, though I understand the frustration. No matter what you have what you need to succeed.

Keep us posted.

is there a reason you only took SL math vs. HL? I think that would raise a flag.

I took Geometry as a Freshmen, but then for Sophomore year my math teacher and counselor pressured me to only take Algebra 2 without Trig, so I couldn’t take HL. Trust me, I would’ve taken HL in a heartbeat, but I didn’t know not taking the Trig in Sophomore year would disqualify me from taking it. Do you think that will be that important for the decision? SL 2 is still a full year of Calculus.

bmac404-My son has applied to engineer programs this year and I am starting to believe you really need super high stats to consider schools “a safety” in engineering. The competition is fierce. He has similar stats. I think you have a good chance with both VT and UMD. Maryland even more so because you are OOS. You still have a few deferrals where you may get accepted too. Hang in there. You have worked hard. Will be thinking of you tomorrow when the decisions come out. Best of luck.

Yeah, I didn’t realize how competitive engineering is until all the deferrals/denials started coming in.

@bmac504 It seems like your grades and course load definitely make up for your SAT to me; remember, the SAT is one test. Best of luck! Hope you hear good news :slight_smile: