Can you apply for harvard or similar schools in your junior year of high school?

Let’s say its possible for me to come out of junior year with my high school diploma (which would be possible for me). Would I be able to apply for Harvard. I have taken quite advanced courses and the classes I have not taken that they offer are pretty low classes (ceramics, music, etc.).


Many high achieving students fulfill their district minimums but opt to stay through 12th grade to take the maximum load of APs, etc. and often cross enroll in dual courses at the local community college. Does this describe you? If not, then know that some colleges do exist that will welcome you. But if you’re seriously considering very selective schools, you’re at a huge disadvantage. Plus, your not taking ACT/SAT makes all of this speculation. You have no real idea if you’re viable or not.

Yes, it happens but Harvard will want to see that you have a good reason for exiting HS earlier, for example, that you’ve maxed out all of the math and science coursework for your school. There are untold benefits to finishing high school in gaining in maturity, socialization with peers, and broadening your educational background. It is a highly unusual person who may benefit from jumping to college early, and even more unusual that a top school would admit under that circumstance. That said, there was a girl in my D’s high school who left after her junior year and went to Harvard. It was one of those situations where she had finished the math curriculum by her sophomore year and had already done independent math study her junior year. She was a prize-winning math prodigy ready for college level work, literally one in 1 million, see Good Will Hunting. The high school also supported her decision, which was key.

Looking at the description of the school you attend, it would seem that its counselor staff are the best equipped to advise you. THEY know what viable applicants look like. Your time is best spent speaking with them.

Thank you all for your replies!

You can and it’s possible. I think Luke Harmon-Vellotti got into Stanford and UCLA at the age of 14.

You can check him out on Google. He was probably one of the top juniors in chess in the US among other amazing accomplishments.

It’s usually that in a span of 3 years, you don’t have enough time to really make the impact you need for schools like Harvard, but it’s definitely possible.