Can you drastically improve your Act score from a very low number?

Hello, this is my first post. A month ago I took the Act for the first time without studying or reading anything over it. It happened all at once because I had to take a make up day and I was sick the day before and well…I got a 17.

20 English
19 Science
14 Math
16 Reading

I’m not really surprised, just kind of wondering what I can do to make it better. My teacher says it was my anxiety because I do well on every other test and get high reading scores back almost every time. I downloaded some Apps on my phone, but I’m really confused as to where to start. What are some good websites that are cheap or free that will review some things with you? I’m a junior BTW and next year is my last chance.

Any help or advice on how to do better next time? Thanks!

I really suggest buying maybe 1 or 2 of the Real Act books or Princeton Review. They help out a lot.

As for cheaper options:
-read some more.
-Khan Academy; the math section is heavy on exponents and functions, so study those.

If you can (legally) get your hands on a free (or any, for that matter) practice test, take it under the test timing conditions. The best way to prepare is to practice the timing.

Okay, thanks! My school has a Princeton review program, so hopefully that’ll help.