How does fulfilling the Breadth requirement work?

<p>I was looking at the breadth requirements and I noticed that there was UGBA 10 under Social and Behavioral Sciences. I'm a pre-business major so I had already planned in taking this course. When I do take this course, can it also be counted as breadth credit or do I have to take another class to fulfill the requirement?</p>

<p>More general format of the question:
Can one use a class that is required for one's major to fulfill a breadth requirement as well? Or does one have to take another class to fulfill the breadth separately?</p>

<p>Yes, if you take a class for your major or some other reason (e.g. premeds take bio, chem and physics) then that also satisfies the relevant breadth.</p>

<p>One class cannot satisfy more than one breadth at a time, although some classes are listed under multiple breadths. In that case, at graduation time that course is automatically applied to whichever breadth category is not otherwise covered. </p>

<p>The good news is that there are many ways that one class can address multiple requirements simultaneously. As asked, a class can be both a breadth and used for the major requirements. A class can satisfy a breadth and (if it ends in AC) also satisfy the american cultures requirement. L&S R44 satisfies one of the R&C requirements plus counts as a breadth in one of a few categories.</p>

<p>Thank you! That really helped =]</p>

<p>it can seem a bit byzantine but it does make sense once you are dealing with it for a while.</p>

<p>"Please remember that Haas guidelines differ from L&S guidelines. For example, for Haas one course may not be used to satisfy both a prerequisite and a breadth requirement. "</p>

<p>Source: [Prerequisites</a>, Undergraduate Program - Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley](<a href=“Application Process - Undergraduate Program - Berkeley Haas”>Application Process - Undergraduate Program - Berkeley Haas)</p>

<p>Haas is special, so it’s an exception. What rider730 told you is WRONG for business students.
Like HelloAll said, UGBA 10 and other prerequisites can’t be used as breadth requirements according to the rules for applying to Haas.</p>

<p>Am I allowed to use a class to satisfy the AC, a breadth, and a minor requirement?</p>


Yes you can.</p>

<p>Ahhh, okay. Thanks for catching that! Well, at least it’ll work for Econ if I switch or don’t get into Haas D;</p>