Can you get Cal Grant B this year, and then Cal Grant A next year?

<p>Let me explain. The UCs I have been admitted to all show a 1500 dollar Cal Grant B as part of my Fin Aid package. I also have nearly $ 10,000 in scholarship aid. The rest is student loans + parent plus loans etc.</p>

<p>I know I am eligible for the nearly $ 7500 Cal Grant A instead of Cal Grant B $ 1500. Yet I am told, if I choose Cal Grant A, The UC will reduce my scholarship aid rather than the loan component (which covers parent EFC and the student self-help portion). </p>

<p>So, two questions:</p>

<p>1) Is what I have heard true? Should I push for the school to use Cal Grant A this year? And can I in any way hope that this can be used to reduce my loans?</p>

<p>2) I am especially worried about next year. If I take Cal Grant B this year, am I locked into the B Grant next year or can I switch to Cal Grant A next year? Is switching permitted or not? </p>

<p>Any help from California parents or students is much appreciated.</p>

<p>My student does not have a Cal Grant B (just an “A”), but you are not getting any responses so I will pass on what little I know.</p>

<p>It was explained to me that the B grant is an advantage because it is issued to you in cash and can be used for books or any other expenses. (The A grant is only for tuition and is issued only to the university.) As the UC told you, they have other aid in place that getting the tuition award would reduce. After freshman year, the “B” increases to the same amount as the “A” grant. It seems a $1,551 grant would not be as “good” as a $7,000 one, but the California Student Aid commission and the finacial aid office at the colleges work out which would be most beneficial in each case.</p>


[Grants</a> for College Students, College Grants, Grants for School California: Cal Grant awards](<a href=“]Grants”></p>

<p>So, to try to answer your specific questions:

  1. No, you should probably not push for an “A” grant, but you should ask to have it explained to you again so you are part of the process of deciding which grant is best for you.</p>

<p>2) After freshman year, the B grant also pays tuition in the amount of the A grant, so you don’t need to worry about that. I am not certain, but I think this means you get the amount of the B plus the amount of the A after freshman year - which is why it is usually an advantage.
Best of luck!</p>

<p>Thank you, Alamemom.</p>

<p>I am planning to speak to the Fin Aid people to really understand this issue. In general, just by studying the pattern of FA offered by the UCs so far, they seem to require some $ 9,500 in self-help with a parent/family EFC of ZERO. If you have positive EFC of say 3000 or so, this gets added on. This is my understanding. Do others think this is the case?</p>

<p>2009-10 Proposed Award Amounts </p>


<p>2009-10 Proposed</p>


<p>Cost of attendance - Expected Family Contribution (EFC)= Financial Need</p>

<p>Cal Grant A offers 4 years of tuition & fee assistance at CSU’s U/C’s and Private Universities only.</p>

<p>CSU’s: up to $3,354 annual tuition award x 4 years = up to $13.416.
U/C’s: up to $7,788 annual tuition award x 4 = up to $31,152.
Private Universities: up to $9708.annual tuition award x 4 = up to $38,832. </p>

<p>Cal Grant A Community College Reserve Grant
If you receive a Cal Grant A but attend a California Community College first, your award will be reserved for up to three years until you transfer to a four-year college.</p>

<p>Cal Grant B offers
4 years expense assistance up to $1551. at Community College or Universities and
3 years of tuition assistance starting as a sophomore at CSU’s U/C’s and Private Universities.</p>

<p>CSU’s: up to $3,354 annual tuition award x 3 years = up to $10,062 plus expense assistance of up to $1551.x 4 years = up to $6,204. After 4 years up to $19,620</p>

<p>U/C’s: up to $7,788 annual tuition award x 3 years = up to $23,364. plus expense assistance of up to $1551.x 4 years = up to $6,204. After 4 years up to $37,356</p>

<p>Private Universities: up to $9708. x 3 = up to $29,124. plus expense assistance of up to $1551.x 4 years = up to $6,204. After 4 years up to $45,036</p>

<p>Community Colleges: expense assistance only of up to $1551. x 4 years = up to $6,204.</p>

<p>I posted this on WCF’s thread. :)</p>

<p>According to the UCLA financial aid FAQ section, you cannot switch your CAL Grant program once funds are disbursed. </p>


<p>Can I accept Cal Grant A in my first year and switch to Cal Grant B in my second year?</p>

<p>No, once funds are disbursed, you cannot switch your Cal Grant program. :(</p>

<p>I can’t transfer the link by copying and pasting. :(</p>

<p>Sorry’ Post #4 is incorrect. Correction to Cal Grant B Totals.</p>

<p>2009-10 Proposed</p>


<p>Cost of attendance - Expected Family Contribution (EFC)= Financial Need</p>

<p>Cal Grant A offers 4 years of tuition & fee assistance at CSU’s U/C’s and Private Universities only.</p>

<p>CSU’s: up to $3,354 annual tuition award x 4 years = up to $13.416.
U/C’s: up to $7,788 annual tuition award x 4 = up to $31,152.
Private Universities: up to $9708.annual tuition award x 4 = up to $38,832. </p>

<p>Cal Grant A Community College Reserve Grant
If you receive a Cal Grant A but attend a California Community College first, your award will be reserved for up to three years until you transfer to a four-year college.</p>

<p>Cal Grant B offers
4 years expense assistance up to $1551. at Community College or Universities and
3 years of tuition assistance starting as a sophomore at CSU’s U/C’s and Private Universities.</p>

<p>CSU’s: up to $3,354 annual tuition award x 3 years = up to $10,062 plus expense assistance of up to $1551.x 4 years = up to $6,204. After 4 years up to $16,266</p>

<p>U/C’s: up to $7,788 annual tuition award x 3 years = up to $23,364. plus expense assistance of up to $1551.x 4 years = up to $6,204. After 4 years up to $29,568</p>

<p>Private Universities: up to $9708. x 3 = up to $29,124. plus expense assistance of up to $1551.x 4 years = up to $6,204. After 4 years up to $35,328</p>

<p>Community Colleges: expense assistance only of up to $1551. x 4 years = up to $6,204.</p>