<p>Hi, I just found out that I qualified for Cal Grant B, but did not quality for Cal Grant A because of my high school gpa(2.91). Does this mean I have lost a lot of money? I will be going to UC Santa Barbara next year and I am frightened because Cal Grant A is for 6636 while Cal Grant B is for 1551. It says though that Cal Grant B changes to Cal Grant A after the first year? Can someone clarify this for me? Thanks.</p>
<p>The Cal Grant B doesn’t really “change” to Cal Grant A, it is still Cal Grant B, but the amount generally increases after freshman year.
<a href=“http://www.calgrants.org/index.cfm?navId=11[/url]”>http://www.calgrants.org/index.cfm?navId=11</a></p>
<p>Cal Grant B has an advantage in that the funds can be paid directly to the student in cash for expenses while Cal Grant A is tuition-only.</p>