Can you give me advice on choosing the right schools?

Hi everybody! I’m currently an international high school senior hoping to apply to colleges in the US. I’ve chosen these schools:

  • Dream schools: Luther college, Saint Louis uni, Ohio Wesleyan Uni
  • Match schools: Roanoke college, Wartburg college, Nebraska Wesleyan Uni
  • Safe schools: Mercyhurst Uni, Manhattanville and Central College.
    I have the IELTS of 7.0, my GPA is 4.0 but I don’t take the SAT.
    Am I choosing the suitable dream, match and safe schools? Can you give me some reviews on the schools above?
    Thank you.

Can’t help you without two pieces of info:

  1. Are you looking for financial aid? How much?
  2. You need the SAT score for us to chance you. A GPA just isn’t enough.

I’m looking for need-based financial aid and hope that I can receive about $30.000 of financial aid.
I want for apply for the fall semester 2016 to study accounting in the US. I’m afraid that I can’t take the SAT since there isn’t much time till the deadline. All the schools above is SAT optional. Do you think I still have chances to study in the US?
Thank you very much.

Most schools that are SAT optional nevertheless use the SAT to decide on merit scholarships.
You can still apply but be reasonable about your odds of getting sufficient financial aid.