Can you help me correct mt essay and score it?

<p>As for as I am concerned I agree that people should question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority. The glary scientist Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giant.” The quotation told us we need to draw lesson from ancestors’ if we want to be successful Then some people argue that doubt experts’ ideas is unadvisable But we should ask ourselves,” Is blind believe the right way to share leaders’ opinion.” The answer is NO. In fact the way we understand authors’ decision is to ask. Follow can just learn the surface and usually cannot help you to capture the spirit at all. But ask can lead you to the way which can touch the substantial meaning even can let you correct old errors.</p>

<p>There’s a great example about Galileo Galilei, who was famous for the “iron ball” experiment. When Galileo was educated physical rule He learnt that the heavier object will ground first if you release two objects in different weight in the same height at the same time. Galileo doubted after his think and figure. He still cannot agree with the rule. So he decided to hold an experiment on Eiffel Tower and invited plenty of scholars to confirm. During that time myriad people ridiculed Galileo as his opinion is an illusion. They renew him like a clownish joker. But the result of the experiment improve that Galileo is correct And preserved his correction on the physic history. When Armstrong land on moon he said.”The first I want to thanks is the discovery of gravity.” If Galileo never questioned authority theory, If no one would doubt experts, we still cannot get how gravity effect objects. The fact confirmed how important to question an authority’s conclusion.</p>

<p>Not only to build by correct authority’s wrong work but also to pick up a method to study. We should put a”?” In our mind after accept a new decision made by an export. When I doing my work. I usually ask why. Why DNA use half preserve way to replication. Why there’s no double chord in a benzene ring. Why period is none of business with the mass in a simple pendulum. This really help me a lot to understand how knowledge can be used.
Ask a question to experts is also a positive attitude in life. There’re often too much commands from our school teachers, parents or boss. Doubts do not mean critic everything. The more you ask the more you considerate, the more you ask you can discover a fantasy world.</p>

<p>By those reasons and instances we can know that as we recognize more and more. There may authority rules need to be complete or correct. If just follow with no concern and ask you cannot you’re your considerate and ability your daily life may also be meaningless and boring. Judging from experience, it is necessary to challenge what people in authority claim.</p>

<p>Your intro sentence contains a misspelling and shouldn’t begin “As far as I’m concerned I agree that”.
There’s problems with sentence structure, grammar, tense, spelling, etc. throughout.</p>

<p>Try reading your essay out loud and decide if each sentence “sounds right”.</p>