Can you not transfer high school dual credit?

I took a dual credit course (spanish III) through Ivy Tech and I do not have a desire grade I wanted. So I was wondering if I can drop the dual credit or not transfer over to Purdue Un. at all? I dont want to start of college with a gpa affected by this class.

Do Ivy Tech grades transfer? Typically, only the credit transfers, not the grade so you wouldn’t see it on your transcript unless Ivy Tech and Purdue have a special relationship that is not typical. I used to live in Indiana but I don’t remember Purdue and Ivy Tech being the same entity. Ultimately, you will have to calculate it in your undergrad GPA whether you transfer the class or not since it’s part of your college record (like if you applied to grad school). Otherwise, I would not worry about it.

Dual credit grades do not transfer.

My daughter’s DC courses only transferred credits, not grades. Not sure though if there was a minimum grade needed for the credits.

did it affect her college gpa by what grade she recieved in the class?

It affects the GPA because when you report your GPA you have to report ALL college courses taken, not just the courses taken at your main school. I have a certain GPA from my college but my real undergrad GPA takes into account classes I did while studying abroad and on a semester I took studying at another college. You can’t not report all college grades if you, say, need to report for employment or for graduate school admissions.

Your high school gpa is your hs gpa. IF your high school reports DC on the transcript and calculates it in gpa, that’s part of that record. You need to see how your own school reports this class. This affects the record you present when applying. And yes, if it’s not on the hs transcript, you still need to report it.

Are you admitted to Purdue? At many colleges, transferring credit comes once there. Did you read what Purdue says about this in their Credit Transfer Guidelines?

My son is a freshman at Purdue and came in with many dual credit classes. Only the credit (assuming you pass the class) is transferred. They do NOT transfer the grade. Of course, a poor grade will be on your high school transcripts and will affect your high school gpa, which may affect your admission to Purdue. However, once you are at Purdue they will not use your high school dual credit class grades in your college gpa.

Alright, thanks. I knew it affected my HS GPA but wasn’t sure if it affected my college GPA.

Definitely does not impact your Purdue GPA. Only the credits transfer. As stated above, it obviously impacts your HS GPA which could influence admission.

As an aside, we didn’t get confirmation that my daughter’s DE credits would actually transfer until the summer so it’s not something you will know for sure until well after the decision deadline.

@momofsenior1 it still affects the undergrad GPA, though, since you need to include all undergraduate coursework in that even if it’s not listed on your transcript. The student would have their Purdue GPA and a real GPA they would have to calculate themselves separately.

@kthai470 yes, it does affect your college GPA - not the one on your transcript but your real one that you would have to list for employers, grad school, etc. Grad schools would need all transcripts for all college work. You can’t “hide” that grade. If you receive college credit for it on your Purdue transcript, you definitely need to include it in your GPA calculations. If you decide not to transfer it, I guess it’s a little more gray but it would be dishonest not to include it.

The original OP asked if it would be part of the Purdue GPA. The Purdue GPA piece matters a lot because of the transition to major process for engineering or for CODO.

I agree that depending on post college plans, the other transcript might need to be provided (i.e. for med school) but my understanding is it depends on how the course was taken/listed. (See @lookingforward 's post #6). For my DD, her DE courses were directly through her HS, on her report cards, and part of her HS GPA. She took them within her school, with high school teachers. This is different from students who take courses at a CC or are actually enrolled. Purdue treated her DE courses like they did AP classes. If she scored well enough, they counted as credit, but no grade implication.

For direct employment, I seriously doubt that anyone is going to care about courses taken in high school and are going to focus on the Purdue GPA. (As an aside, most students would love to have their DE credits count to boost their Purdue GPA).

I doubt most employers would be very concerned about grades outside of the degree granting institution, however graduate programs would probably be quite different. They would probably require transcripts from all schools you attended. I doubt they’d recalculate GPAs but I bet they’d take your grade from the CC into consideration especially if it had a negative impact.