Dual Enrollment

I took dual enrollment math classes at Georgia Tech but did not do well in the classes and plan to get an MBA after going to Purdue so I was wondering if I could opt not to receive credit for those classes so that the grades aren’t on my transcript.

Unless something has changed, Purdue doesn’t accept the grade for dual credit only the credit. However, I am sure that if you don’t want it transferred you don’t need to. Just don’t have GaTech send the transcript.

My understanding is if you took a class and have a university transcript, you are required to send it.

Grades from a dual enrollment course will not appear on you Purdue transcript. I just looked at my D’s transcript - all AP and Dual Enrollment classes have “TR” in the “Grade” category. They accumulate Passed Hours and Earned Hours, but no GPA Hours or Quality Points.

The admissions site says “You may earn Purdue credit from dual or concurrent high school coursework (courses you took in high school that also counted toward college credit – including Purdue’s own dual credit program). To evaluate this for possible Purdue credit, we must have an official transcript from the college or university that administered the course; we cannot use your high school transcript to award Purdue credit.”

I don’t read this as you must request credit/provide transcripts, though I don’t see a down side to it.

(A different question is whether the graduate school you apply to will require transcripts from all colleges you have attended, and whether that includes dual enrollment)

Legally, you are required to show all college transcripts when an institution asks for all college transcripts — whether or not the classes were accepted by your 4 year university for credit is irrelevant. This is why high school students taking DE courses have to be careful — unlike AP classes, DE courses are college classes and become part of your college transcript. You just show the transcript whenever anyone asks for ‘all college transcripts’.

I’m curious as to what legal statue requires this, and what law enforcement organization will enforce/cite/arrest a person who does not provide a transcript.

There is a national student clearing house for transcripts.

No one is going to come arrest a student but a college could rescind admission or even revoke a degree if they found out.