Canadian student needs help :)

<p>Hey, so I'm applying to US colleges next year and Im having trouble finding my GPA.
Different calculators/scales, different GPA. So, can someone help me calculate it?
Sometimes my GPA is insanely low and I don't understand because all my grades are 15 to 20% above the class average. I am probably in the top 10% of classes.
Calculus: 87
English: 75
French: 70
Business: 84
Macroeconomics: 85
Gym: 95
Geography: 90
I also heard that some colleges boost up your marks because Canadian schools are much tougher. Where I live, I could get into any colleges with those grades, because they take in consideration class average. But US colleges don't, which is stupid in my opinion, so I am kind of disadvantaged.
Thanks :)</p>

<p>If your GPA were calculated with those grades it would be very low. </p>

<p>No matter how you look at it, a 70% means that on average you’ve received 7 out of 10 possible credit. I’ve never heard that Canadian schools are “much tougher” (that would require generalization of American schools which is impossible) but if that is true about your school then a class rank would help.</p>

<p>It’s also difficult to compare Canadian and American universities. Canadian schools are typically much larger since there are fewer, meaning a greater range in admitted students. The top American universities are much more selective so be careful about your assumptions.</p>

<p>Try to find a counselor near you who has a lot of experience with students applying to schools in the US.</p>

<p>Your class rank is much more important. Colleges look at how you fare against other students in your class. If you’re in the top percentile, I dont think there should be a problem</p>

<p>Thanks both</p>