Cancel my score?

<p>I didn't get enough practice because I had so many semester exams, essays and projects in the last 2 weeks before the test. During the test I omitted around 4-5 from math or writing. Should I cancel? I also ordered the QAS so I can learn what I got wrong and why. Should I keep it to learn and study my trouble areas or should I cancel since colleges will look down on it?</p>


<p>Does it matter? Unless your trying to go to like Stanford or something. I’m taking it till i get a 2100, going to a UC. Where I don’t think they check all the scores.</p>

<p>Don’t cancel.</p>

<p>Poor score > no score.</p>

<p>I’m in my junior year and I haven’t decided on any colleges yet, I don’t want this once score to lower my chances of getting in to colleges. Any one else?</p>

<p>Depending on where you apply, next year’s seniors can use score choice, which means you can choose which scores you want sent. Not all colleges are using this new policy but I agree with futureEE, I would wait to see how you did and not cancel.</p>

<p>[Score</a> Choice - New SAT Score-Reporting Policy](<a href=“]Score”>Send SAT Scores to Colleges - SAT Suite | College Board)</p>