I recently finished taking the SAT I today and I am considering canceling my scores.</p>
<p>My reasons for canceling:
On the math section, I did not have any time to finish any of the sections. On the grid section, I left 5/8 grid questions blank. On another math section, I left five blank, and then decided to guess all A on the last 5, hoping that at least two were A.</p>
<p>Should I or should I not cancel? Will colleges see this score if I do not cancel?</p>
<p>I think I did not so great on the reading and writing also...</p>
<p>The last five were A, just kidding. 
It sounds like your math will be around 500ish if you did fairly well on the rest.
It’s your call but what score were you hoping for?</p>
<p>Wow seriously…i thought math was the easiest of the 3. CR was hard.</p>
<p>Same here, i made one careless error on the math. the CR was harder than i thought. the w wasnt difficult either</p>
<p>^CR was harder, even harder than the November 2009, which I took previously.</p>
<p>do colleges see my score if i don’t cancel?</p>
<p>you’re allowed to do score choice now, so you can choose which scores to send and which scores not to send. however, some colleges require that you send all scores regardless (you can’t really lie either).</p>
<p>if you cancel, i think they never see.</p>
<p>oh wait… some colleges make you send all scores? like which colleges specifically?</p>