Candidate Visit Weekend invitation - is that a big deal?

So, my son just received an invitation to a candidate visit weekend (he’s going to be a senior this year). He is really excited and read online that it’s a sign that admissions is interested in him.

He said a lot of the posts he read about it were relatively old and we were both wondering if getting an invitation is still a very good sign from admissions or if more invites are given out than they used to…?

Read nothing into a CVW; it has no bearing on appointment as there are not enough slots for every eventual appointee to attend. Though CVWs are typically by invitation only, candidates on the fence who who feel a CVW will help them make a decision can also request an overnight visit. Per the USNA website:

An invite to CVW means an applicant is competitive, but no more.

Here’s a recent article that pretty much sums up the process of applying to the academies:

ETA: I see that Dave Berry started a new thread posting this article, but I’ll leave the link here as well.