I will be going into grade 12 next year and can’t decide on which math course to take. In grade 10 and 11, I completed grade 11 pre-calculus with a 98% and grade 12 pre-calculus with a 93%. I have one of two choices for grade 12: Intro to Calculus (half-credit) or AP (AB) Calculus (full credit). Usually, one would take Intro to Calculus before taking Calculus AB but is there one that will benefit me more than the other…especially if I want to go into something like pharmacy? Would grade 12 pre-calculus suffice as a pre-requisite to Calculus AB(is it a huge jump)or should I just take Intro to Calculus? Another option is to take both since they complement each other quite well. In the end, I just want to be well prepared for university level math.
Thanks! All advice is very much appreciated!