<p>I'm a junior in college looking for an internship in management, and have came up empty. My college's career services network is useless, simply telling me to continue looking on their website. I'm thinking about going back home and taking up a job at the grocery store while taking a gen ed course at the local CC. </p>
<p>I'm wanting to work in management, but with the way the economy has been, I can't get any experience.</p>
<p>The hiring season for summer interns is almost over so you need to move fast. </p>
<p>Step 1: Go through job websites and apply to every internship for which you are remotely qualified. </p>
<p>Step 2: Get a list of alumni from your school who work in your field. Your career center should have this, but you can make one on your own by combing through linkedin. Email these people and try to meet them for lunch to chat about their careers. You can’t ask for a job, but if you are lucky they might forward your resume to somebody. </p>
<p>Step 3: Talk to your professors, parents, and friends and see if any of them know someone who can help you. </p>
<p>Keep up with this until at least June. New openings pop up all the time. If you still don’t find anything, just chalk it up to the economy and move on.</p>