cant get into a decent college because of my test scores somebody help me please!

<p>Somebody help me I think Im gonna go insane if I don't get accepted into a decent college</p>

<p>If you don’t mind me asking, what colleges do you consider decent and what were your scores?</p>

<p>You need to provide some more information to help posters to make informed suggestions. For example:
What’s your GPA?
What type of HS do you attend?
If your school ranks, where do you stand?
What are your SAT/ACT scores?
Are you an athlete?
What type of volunteer or extra-curricular activities are you engaged in?
If you take a look at the results threads you will see that these variables are all important in determining which colleges might find you to be an attractive candidate. At the very least they can determine how you should position yourself.</p>

<p>Also as the PP noted, some information about which types schools are desirable to you is relevant, since some folks focus on fit while others focus on rankings. Do you prefer State Us, LACs, large or small colleges? So many variables…
Is this your junior year or are you a senior? If you’re a senior then only those schools with rolling ads through May will be applicable.
Last, don’t despair, there are many great schools that might not be highly ranked but provide a great education. Both my husband and I did our undergrad at mid-ranked State Us but we were admitted to excellent graduate programs, and ultimately are having what we judge to be successful and rewarding careers. At least, this is what we remind ourselves whenever we think our S is going to drive us crazy :-)</p>