Can't seem to do well, no matter how hard I try!

<p>Hi there, I'm currently a junior Biology major at IU. My problem is that it seems that no matter how hard I try and study, I cannot pull my grades up. THe usual happened freshman year, and I didn't try. But after that, a whole lot of horrible family stuff happened my sophomore year, and I tried as hard as I could to pull up my grades. However, I'm still having trouble getting my gpa up. It's sitting at 2.87 right now, and probably won't get better since I am in Orgo 1 and have to take Orgo 2 and PHys 2 next semester. I don't know what to do, I really do go to office hours, study at the library rather than at home, spend hours working and reworking problems each day, but still don't seem to be doing well in my Orgo class. In genetics, I know that if I study more, I can do better, but there is not enough time in the day to study! My goal is to go to grad school and study some sort of variation on Wildlife Biology. I'm also facing a lot of personal problems, feeling like my closest, best friend, has totally put me on the backburner and forgot I even exist is really hitting me hard. None of my friends are making time for me, and I feel like I'm drowning and no one is listening to me screaming. I'm also contemplating ending my relationship with my bf, for multiple reasons, but also because he really is a distraction. And, he is not a science major, so he just doesn't get how much is expected from us. I just feel lost and don't know how to approach things now. Words of advice, encouragement, or anything positive would realy help now. Thanks for reading this long ass thread lol.</p>

<p>There are only two and half weeks left. Everyone is pretty busy. Tell your bf that you need to concentrate on the finals. Science major is still more intense than many others and Orgo 1 is tough. Can you find classmates to study together? Make sure to review previous tests. You are not the only one. Hang in there and try to regroup in the summer. </p>

<p>A couple of things to keep in mind when selecting next year’s courses.</p>

<p>1) Take P202 rather than P221.
2) Would BA degree allow you to pursue your goal? If so, you don’t need Chem C342.
3) Take CHEM C118 rather than N330.
4) Don’t take more than two science courses.</p>

<p>Thanks, yeah, I took P201 last semester with a chem lab/lecture combo, which was hell lol. SO i’m taking p202 next semester, hoping it wont be too bad with orgo 2. Thanks for your words of encouragement though!</p>

<p>This kind of problem typically hits freshmen hard, not juniors. Nevertheless, I’ve had to help numerous freshmen with similar problems for my position, so I hope I can help.</p>

<p>IU SHOULD have a learning center of some sort, something that helps students from high school who don’t know how to study or manage their time very well adjust to the necessary rigors that is university life.</p>

<p>Here’s my advice:

  1. Talk to a GA/RA that you trust, let it out. See what options they suggest that you follow.
  2. Find a learning center, counseling service, what have you that IU has (surely they must have something…). Talk to them.
  3. Consider taking a year off. Remember, college is not a sprint. It’s a marathon. Last thing you want to do is burn yourself out.
  4. Talk to your advisor. Last thing you want to do is cram in a zillion hard courses in the same semester and kill yourself.</p>

<p>Studying and time management are key skills you just have to have if you want to do well in college (especially mine, god I learned that the hard way). I don’t think it is actually that you don’t have enough time, I think you overwhelmed yourself and have trapped yourself of getting overwhelmed that you feel you have no time to do anything else. But you can do it, trust me. Talk to your advisors, seek out counselors, tutors, learning centers, what have you. You don’t have to do it alone. </p>

<p>You just have a bit of time left till your semester is done. Use the summer to recharge, give taking some time off to recharge a thought. Hang in there!</p>

<p>Some great advice above. First, if you continue to feel this way, take advantage of the Counseling Services at the Health Center. I believe your first visit is free. </p>

<p>I loved the idea of a study group for Orgo 1. Whatever method you’re using to study now isn’t getting you the results you want. Time to try something new. Have you visited the Student Academic Center for study suggestions? Even though you’re not a freshman, you can still visit one of the Academic Support Centers in a few of the dorms.</p>