can't win them all...

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Depressing game. :(</p>

<p>Maybe this'll be the jump start they really need though. They've been pretty slow most of the season.</p>

<p>Bad weekend for football- the Packers lost as well. For all of you used to a winning Badger team- run your heads through this: When I was a freshman eons ago ('71) the then juniors told me the team had won its first game in 3 (?) years when they were freshmen... And the current marching band director was a lot younger then... UW school pride/spirit is not dependent on a winning football team.</p>

<p>Finally the team was exposed for the somewhat mediocre bunch they are. Hopefully this will result in more intense recruiting as many of the current players are not good enough to win the Big 10. I think worse days are ahead. But hockey will be back!</p>