Hello! I am looking for suggestions about how to best capture an activity commitment that changes over time. My D23 participated in a summer research program that spanned 7 weeks with a 40 hour commitment a week. The professor she worked with asked her to stay on this year after the program ended and she is working about 5 hours per week. It seems redundant to list these as two separate activities, however, they have different time commitments and the later isn’t part of the summer program. Is there a logical way to combine them? Thanks for your help!
Select year round and average the hours
In the description, she can go into more detail on how her time commitment fluctuated
She could say something like ‘X Research assistant, FT summer, PT school year’ (she has 50 characters in the leadership/position description). Then in the description (150 characters) write the details. It’s ok to use sentence fragments, like in a resume. If the summer program was selective mention that, and mention she was asked to stay on during the school year. For the average hours just do the math spread over the total number of weeks she will work there.
Thanks! You think it’s okay to leave the main title as the summer program? It is a competitive program to get into (not pay to play) so she wants to make sure that is reflected.