Car insurance

<p>Looking into options for buying, and of course insuring, a car for DS. I could always buy it and add it to my own policy, but I’m thinking it might be better to buy and insure in Alabama. Rates in general are much lower than NY. What are some companies or local brokers that you recommend for quotes, specifically ones that may be good for young drivers?</p>

<p>Our Allstate agent found it was cheaper for us to list both kids’ cars in our names, and not to specifically list the two of them as the primary drivers (especially our son, as teenaged boys have sky high rates). All four cars are listed on the policy, and all 4 drivers are listed on the policy, but with no specification as to who drives what car. Doing it this way saved us substantially, especially since we were bundling it with our homeowner’s policy. We use Allstate, and I have to say we have had great results when we have needed to file claims (my fault for an auto claim, hail damage for a homeowner’s claim). We also have an emergency service through Allstate which my daughter has had to use in Tuscaloosa twice for flat tires and a dead battery. </p>

<p>We use Alfa, which is an acronym for Alabama Farmers Federation. Alfa pretty much rules all in this state. Not sure if you can buy if if you are not a resident, but it won’t hurt to ask. I’d check with a Tuscaloosa agent, if I were you. It’s probably going to be cheaper to add him onto your policy, with you listed as the primary driver. They used to give a discount for good grades. One way or another, rates are high for young males.</p>

<p>^ He will be living off campus, with an actual address, so I would think that counts as AL resident. Ordinarily adding him to my policy is cheaper, but that would still be insane NY rates. AL rates are much lower. Want to see if on-his-own in AL is better than adding to NY family.</p>

<p>I’m planning on using Geico. I priced it out once and it was not crazy high.</p>

<p>we use allstate.</p>

<p>Allstate seems to be really good about adding teen/young adult drivers onto ones account. I’ve also been told by an Allstate agent that Allstate will only raise the teen/young adult’s rate in the event the teen/young adult gets in an accident, even if they are on the same policy as their parents.</p>

<p>Many states don’t allow assigning cars to specific drivers on the same policy, hence why someone might have to be insured on 2+ cars even if they’re only driving one car. The companies’ actuarial formulas will reflect this.</p>

<p>Keep in mind the comparisons between insuring teens/young adults on a separate policy which only meets the minimum insurance requirements versus having them on your plan which may have more coverage. It’s not the same comparison.</p>

<p>It’s a good idea to check multiple insurance companies as they all have different actuarial formulas and expense ratios. It’s not uncommon for some insurance companies to cost significantly less than others based on how ones driving history fits into their formulas. </p>

<p>Discounts vary between insurers and states. Some have discounts for having a PayPal account (Esurance), others for being a stockholder (GEICO) or have a certain employer. If any family member has served in the US military or had a parent who served, be sure to check USAA. </p>

<p>Try an independent agent. Typically they have numerous solutions/carriers and serve as a consultant / buffer between you and the carrier. GEICO - you’re dealing straight with the carrier. Allstate - you have an agent but they are captive by one carrier.</p>

<p>Def shop around! I have been tempted as a member to call Costco and ask about their rates, to compare prices, which they advertise as being highly competitive. Your own uni alumni or professional affiliations might also offer group discounts. </p>

<p>I’d like to advise those who do not have cars at UA, FWIW. We use Liberty Mutual (IL). We have found that we can use an “away at college” policy change, at a much reduced rate, so that he can still drive our cars during the summer and during breaks, without having to take him on/off the policy completely each time. </p>

<p>I can recommend LM as a great company to deal with. I just called them today to discuss renters’ insurance. Turns out that our IL homeowners insurance covers (up to 10% of the personal property amount on our policy) at his location. I knew this was the case while he was at college in AL, but I confirmed that this was the case while he is on an internship in a completely different location now! Yep, still covered. Caution to anyone reading this tho: always confirm with your own insurance company/policy that what anyone advises on CC is correct for your situation.</p>