<p>If the below idea of discouraging youth from voting makes you angry, use that as incentive to get involved in voter registration and making sure young voters cast their ballot. You can get involved in this by contacting the local office of the political party you support. You also could conduct a voter registration drive at your school, and even arrange to have some special reward for voting-eligible students who bring in proof that they voted (such as an "I voted" sticker).</p>
<p>Another idea would be to have representatives of the Dems and GOP to come in and talk to students about what the presidential candidates are saying about issues that mean the most to students One example would be what are the candidates' stands on education issues such as making college more afforable. </p>
<p>I've seen lots of students posting on CC about wanting to start clubs and wanting things to polish their resumes. Getting involved in politics during an election year is the kind of thing that impresses admissions officers. Except for the ultraconservative places like Bob Jones, adcoms won't care which party you support. What they would care about is what you accomplished.</p>
<p>From the Washington Times:</p>
<p>MINNEAPOLIS, MN | Virginia delegates here this morning heard perhaps one of the more unique and off beat strategies for propelling John McCain to the presidency.</p>
<p>Republicans can keep young voters who support Democratic nominee Barack Obama at home by giving their young relatives and friends gift cards to iTunes and Starbucks that are good only on Nov. 4, election day.</p>
<p>"That's the only way to keep them away from the polls," said Kellyanne Conway, president of The Polling Company, during a breakfast with the delegates at their hotel near the University of Minnesota.</p>
<p>Mrs. Conway told the delegates that Mr. McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, can only win if young voters stay home like they usually do in elections.
How</a> to keep the young from voting - Washington Times - Politics, Breaking News, US and World News</p>