I want Obama to win, what are some EC's I can do to support him.

<p>Like are there places, that assign you work to help spread the word, help out his campaign.</p>

<p>I want to quit smoking so I doubled the amount of credits I'm taking this semester.</p>

<p>There is some organization that allows high school students to help but I'm not sure what/where it is. Check on his website, probably.</p>

<p>Get in touch with his campaign organization in your state - their contact info should be on Obama's website. Although if your state has already had their primary, they may not have much for you to do.</p>

<p>Get involved with your local Democratic party. If for some reason your local party isn't interested (for some dumb reason my local Democratic party seems to go out of its way to ignore potential teen volunteers), see if there's a Democratic club or group of Obama supporters at your local college or community college that you can get involved with.
Start a campaign at your school to get voting-eligible students registered to vote. When you do that, you can also inform them about the Obama campaign.
Be creative.
And remember, "Yes we can!"</p>

<p>You can also go on his website and make calls to people. I do this, and I think im especially useful because I'm Hispanic and live in Texas.</p>

<p>Exist. </p>

<p>With McCain as the opposition, he's got it guaranteed.</p>