[Important status requested] My advices for winning elections

<p>Results came out today for student council election. I am now the president. A loser with no life, I will now post my advices and strategies. I hope this can answer some of your questions, and hope that it will stick around long enough to benefit the next year candidates.</p>

<p>I did this in Microsoft Word, so sorry about the confusing indents. Although paying attention to the numerical orders can help.</p>

<li> Before you run, ask yourself, why am I running?
a. Possible incentives
i. Build resume for colleges
ii. Prove you are cool and popular
iii. You are the lesser of X evils or slackers or empty-promise-makers among the candidates
iv. Make real improvements for the school and the student body
b. Possible approaches
i. Realpolitik</li>
<li> The ends justify the means.</li>
<li> Divert all attentions to winning the election first</li>
<li> Make promises that you might keep, but will not bet your life on it
ii. Moralistic</li>
<li> Seriously consider your platform</li>
<li> Make substantial claims</li>
<li> Be truthful when answering the question “why run?”
iii. Ultra-moralistic</li>
<li> Vow that if won, will not put it on college applications
iv. Laid-back</li>
<li> For schools where few run for election</li>
<li> For schools where election equals popularity contest</li>
<li> The process
a. Beginning
i. Find out when campaign starts ahead of the time, that means, right now
ii. Find out scheduling conflicts. For example, if campaign and voting occurs during the AP week, plan ahead of the time
iii. Start conceiving your platform and advertising
iv. Research what the students want
v. Decide what to run for</li>
<li> President is usually the hardest to win</li>
<li> Vice-President is easier</li>
<li> In making the decision, ask smart friends for honest evaluations of your chances
b. Middle
i. Know thy enemies</li>
<li> Find out whose votes you will lose</li>
<li> Example: if your opponent is the football captain, you probably aren’t going to get football players
ii. Advertise, advertise, and advertise!</li>
<li> Purpose
a. About 70% of all high school students are swing voters
b. About 40% do not know any candidates
c. If they see your name a lot, they will identify themselves with it when it appears on the ballot</li>
<li> Be the first one to post posters
a. Lasting impression
b. Best spots for posters (most populous corridors, etc.)</li>
<li> Humor, humor, humor!
a. Parody popular commercials and slogans teenagers identify with
b. Examples
i. I saved $344.75 on car insurance by voting for _____
ii. Victoria’s REAL secret: she votes _____ for _____
iii. MasterCard “Priceless” theme
iv. Uncle Sam: I want YOU to vote for _____
v. Four out of five leading politicians (and dentists) recommend voting ____ for _____ at least twice a day</li>
<li> Professional looking
a. White posters
b. Do NOT use too many flashy colors.
c. Instead, use thick black, red, and dark blue
d. Do NOT include vulgarity, threats, or derogatory comments or connotations toward any group of people
e. Consider taping the white poster onto the wall, using a projector to project design onto the wall, and then trace everything
f. Do NOT boast your SAT, GPA, or sports captainship. This will only induce jealousy and encourage the notion that you are an arrogant ■■■■■■■.</li>
<li> Serious stuff
a. Cheesy-sounding musts
i. Identify with school mascot (“Huskies spirit”, etc.)
ii. Identify with school name
b. Platform
i. Promises</li>
<li> Interview peers to find out what they want the most
ii. Methods of accomplishing them
iii. Use bullets and NOT paragraphs
iii. Speech</li>
<li> It is extremely hard to joke on stage with hundreds of eyes on you; nonetheless you MUST be appropriately humorous</li>
<li> Short, concise speeches</li>
<li> Be LOUD. Don’t trumpet your soporific personality</li>
<li> Make sure you don’t sound pompous</li>
<li> Speak as though you are conversing with the audience</li>
<li> Plan ahead to bribe friends to cheer really loud when your speech ends
a. This can give those who didn’t pay attention the sense that you were a great speaker</li>
<li> Say your name before the speech, during the speech, and after the speech
iv. Bribery</li>
<li> Free food</li>
<li> T-shirts with “Vote ____” on them</li>
<li> Printed stickers with funny slogans and your name - so people can put on their clothes the day before election</li>
<li> Do NOT go overboard with this, you don’t want to appear desperate
v. Sucking-up</li>
<li> Respect your peers
a. Duh, they are the voters
b. Do NOT succumb to ridiculous demands like “I’ll vote for you if you give me a dollar”</li>
<li> Respect your teachers
a. Like it or not, they will be able to influence the voters because most students are swing voters</li>
<li> Respect your opponents
a. The worst thing you can do is to make personal attacks, physical or not
vi. Exploit the fact that you have friends</li>
<li> Get them to vote for you</li>
<li> Get them to gather more votes
a. The swinger voters are easily influenced by a few really loud people yelling “hey yo, vote for _____, s/he mad cool”
b. Free advertising</li>
<li> Bandwagon sentiment. If a lot of people seem to be voting for you, a lot will.</li>
<li> Get your grade (if you are a sophomore, for example), your homeroom, your classes, your clubs, your sports teams, and your bus to vote for you
vii. Keep your chin up high</li>
<li> Your confidence gives confidence to voters</li>
<li> You WILL hear many people saying that they will vote for someone else, but the truth is, so will every candidate out there</li>
<li> Popularity is one factor, but advertising is even more important because many are swing voters</li>
<li> Sometimes, candidates with similar approaches will get similar number of votes from the same group of students agreeing with their message.
a. None of them will stand out
b. Exploit this; be outrageous
i. Really seriously claim to be a Communist when everyone knows you are kidding
c. This worked for our school last year
c. End
i. MUST DOES</li>
<li> Pull down all the posters and fliers</li>
<li> Thank all your teachers</li>
<li> Smile to the voters, say “thank you for your support”
ii. If lost</li>
<li> Your efforts are not wasted
a. People respect those who run for office regardless of outcome
b. Your name is out; easier time running for National Honors Society elections, etc.
c. Valuable experience</li>
<li> Congratulate your opponents
iii. If won</li>
<li> Be humble</li>
<li> Start thinking about fulfilling your promises</li>
<li> Shake your opponents’ hands</li>
<li> Sneak hot girls bear hugs with the pretext of “I won!”</li>
<li> Additional suggestions
a. Consult smart friends on advices of running
b. Consult Government & Politics teachers
c. Do NOT underestimate your opponents
d. If you work hard enough, you can win
e. Good luck</li>

<p>"1. Vow that if won, will not put it on college applications"</p>

<p>Talk about ultra-moralistic. No one would do that.</p>

<p>And of course, the easy way to win...
just plain old rock.</p>

<p>Also, congrats. And you thought your odds weren't looking so hot...</p>

<p>lol, you could probably strech that into a book...</p>

<p>long, but very good advice...I like how it has stategies for various types of situations and elections.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice. I plan to run for a Student Council position when I am a junior.</p>

<p>i ran for asb president this march. i won and will be the president of my school for my senior year. what i did was run with a super popular girl as my vice, and kept my speech on real problems. since most of the candidates ( i ran against seven other groups, and one looking like she walked straight out of a hollister ad ) only told the school in their speech, "we'll do our hardest, make school great/fun..." my partner and I pointed out EXACTLY what we don't like about the school that we would have the power to change. it was simple stuff like prom, and joked about getting stuck in the bathroom because theres no toilet paper to keep the speech light. we won over 60% of the votes and ppl told me afterwards it was because we kept it real and related to all students.</p>

<p>i was glad i won, and it is pretty rewarding, mostly because it's just a big RELIEF. running a campaign for president, just to warn you guys, is EXAUSTING, you'll go throw sleepness nights, and be stressed until you find out if you won or lost.</p>

<p>and i disagree with the spectrum's advice on not using brite colors, because students loved our bright flyers because they caught attention so fast.</p>

<p>My advice for winning elections: be someone whom people like and know can accomplish stuff. </p>

<p>Seriously. It's not that complicated.</p>

<p>My adivce, (won elections as VP as soph and Pres and Jr.) create a talent an embrace it. I learned how to do a rubik's cube over the internet. (it takes about a week to memorize)</p>

<p>Also, the best Idea I ever saw was for the State student council eleictions in NJ. Some guy wanted the position really bad, I mean really bad. As he said how he wanted it in an intense voice, he was spraying whipped cream into a pie crust. He ended his speech claiming, I want this position so bad, I'm willing to take a pie in the face. He did it. It was funny. He won. </p>

<p>One last thing, voters do not want your resume.</p>

iii. MasterCard “Priceless” theme

That's how I won ASB Executive Treasurer.</p>

<p>Haha. I won President bout' 2 weeks ago. I'd be more than happy to share my poster ideas. I had a few posters. And my speech was a killer in the whole race against my opponent :) PM me if you want help.</p>

<p>protege just post and share your ideas with everyone</p>

<p>Ookokkk Spectrum. Let's see.
Being that I'm in China. I used the idea of Chinese Propoganda Posters. The Chairman Mao looking ones. I wrote in chinese "I CHOOSE (my last name)" on the poster with a chinese man holding a flag. [a lot of my class reads chinese pretty well]</p>

<p>Another poster idea was:
(picture of lincoln) (picture of washington) (baby picture of me)
Lincoln.... Washingston... (My last name)?</p>

<p>:) </p>

<p>Make sure you dont' talk to people JUST to get votes. Talk to them, and have a special bond/interaction, not just a "VOTE FOR ME OKAY?! THANKS!" Talk to every person a bit.</p>

<p>My speech was long. But it included a BIT of singing, and a special acknowledgement to every single language spoken in my class. :) </p>

<p>hope this helped ;)</p>

<p>P.S. Spectrum. I copied this onto a word Doc and saved it. hope you don't mind :)</p>

<p>hehe, just don't plagiarize it</p>

<p>Haha. I won't :) Congratulations in winning your election Btw. I didn't realize it was you who posted this at first :P Just read the information. Guess we're both presidents. :P</p>

<p>i'm running for secretary/treasurer of my school
its small and there are about 70 students in my grade. I know almost everysingle one
My speech is about how i would be a good listener (to complaints, suggestions, and ideas) and try to fulfill their needs</p>

<p>can someone give me some ideas with my speech and my poster?
i am running against 2 other people. I'm afraid that the girls will vote for the single girl candidate.</p>

<p>^ Okay, so maybe you can grab the votes from the guys. As for the girls? Maybe incorporate something out of the blue into your speech. Be like, "I know some of you out there are thinking about your ideal guy, like Channing Tatum and Chad Michael Murray, but PLEASE! - please listen for a minute to what I want to do to help ease your transition into another wonderful school year."</p>

<p>Just an example.</p>

I copied this onto a word Doc and saved it.

Haha. I did that too. Hope you don't mind, Spectrum. I'm already elected for my last year anyway.</p>

<p>share at will. just bump this occasionally so the mods can maybe read the title</p>

can you please please give me some examples of problems with your school?
maybe i can see some similarities in the problems and use them in my speech.. thanks</p>

<p>well prom has been at the same place the last five years in a row, and this realllly got them.... there were rumours that prom will be held in a gym next year and when i just brought that up in my speech, it got everyone's attention and i just promised i wouldn't let that happen. That kinda scared them and gave them a reason to vote for me. Another problem was dances getting canceled, students getting low scores on sats and not on track for college, and i made it a clear point that less attetnion needed to go to sports. I i named about ten groups and claimed thirty clubs aren't represented or publicized and too much attention went to sports. to make it funny too we changed the words of the fresh prince of bel air into a campaign song</p>