Care package idea for finals


<p>[Best</a> of Popcornopolis Large 7-cone Gift Basket](<a href=“]Best”></p>

<p>from costco. </p>

<p>under 32 bucks including shipping.</p>

<p>: )</p>

<p>hope this helps someone.</p>

<p>Mike, you are so much more imaginative than me. I sent my kid a case of Red Bull, a box of Starbucks VIA instant coffee, a bundle of ginseng, and 50 capsules of guarana. :)</p>

<p>I’m lame…I did the thing that came in the mail last month from UA’s dormfinalspreporganisation. (don’t recall the name) Seemed easy. It’s the thought that counts, was my motto that day…</p>

<p>The alumni office from D’s high school sent packages. I think she picked hers up yesterday but I’m not sure what was in it as I was unable to help box them. Very nice of the HS to do.</p>

<p>Sent my son a big box of goodies including a cranberry-orange bread, soups and various snack items. He can share it with his roommates.</p>

<p>Sent my son a giant box of Emergen-C and a big box of Nabisco treats. Should tide him over. </p>

<p>15 more days…can’t wait to see him! :)</p>

<p>I made my daughter a box called “the Twelve Days of Finals” (like the 12 days of Christmas). In it are gifts labeled, "on the first day of finals my mommy gave to me 1…(there’s one gift…happened to be a chipolte gift card). The next one says , "on the second day of finals my mommy gave to me 2… (there’s two magazines) and so on up to the 12th day (yes 12 items.happens to be $5 bills)…it arrived yesterday so she can begin opening on Monday…her last final is the 15th. I have done this for each of my kiddos…always a huge hit. I intersperse…$$$, gift cards and healthy treats as the gifts.</p>

<p>Love the 12 days of gifts. Please remind us of this next mid-Nov as I’m sure I will forget & will need at least 2 weeks to procure the items.
I went with the Georgetown cupcakes. Hopefully these will go over well. I’m thinking if I keep the bank account stocked S can order in what he needs to sustain himself.</p>

<p>ahpimommy - you are an overachiever! bleh! haha!</p>

<p>i have been sick (read nearly dead) this week, so all i could manage was the popcorn.<br>
my daughter really doesn’t much like too much junk to eat. i figured this was easily sharable and something any of her friends would be happy to share! : )</p>

<p>sounds like everyone has this covered, and nobody needed any help from me! :’(</p>

<p>As I read these I imagine what a pathetic sobbing mess I will be this time next year waiting for my only child to come home for Christmas.</p>

<p>And, if all goes according to downsizing plans (and building schedules,) “home” will be to a brand new patio home she will have never seen! 2,500 square feet smaller, but still close enough to her friends as to not put a dent in her social requirements!!! </p>

<p>The looming changes are hard to imagine…but I am SURE there will be many care packages shipped from the “empty nest!”</p>

<p>when i looked at the georgetown cupcakes site, i didn’t glean that you could order for shipping, so i missed that boat. she would have liked those.</p>

<p>Idinct…love Georgetown cupcakes but I have to tell you after having Sprinkles while in NYC they are now my new favorites!!! Am addicted to the Eggnog Spice ones! </p>

<p>Mike…you were sick!!! Oh no!!! I hope you are better…maybe I need to send you a 12 days of sickness box!!</p>

<p>Am going to put this out there now…another thing we now do for our kids is the 12 months of Christmas. I get an empty book and label the pages for the months of the year (confession…am a doodles/artist of sorts so each page is decorated and I write little stories and anecdotes about each month…memories ect that are kid specific. I attach an envelope and in each of the 12 envelopes I put a different gift card. It’s like a Christmas gift that keeps on giving 12 months of the year! It’s a huge hit and my kids LOVE getting it.
We have also made these and given them as grad gifts…so for instance in youngest DD’s case her’s had gift cards to places in Tuscaloosa.
I will also share that if you call The Shirt Shop, The Locker Room , Ellie Crimson, Private Gallery on the phone you can pay by credit card over the phone and they will keep a gift card for your child to come in and pick up. I try to do this a couple of times a semester just for a little pick me up for DD.</p>

<p>ahphimommy - way to beat a girl when she is down! haha! you are super mom!!!</p>

<p>and, yes, i think you should send me a 12 days of sickness box! (sadly, i think katie is kind of sick, too.) here is my sad story. i went to costco yesterday. my basket had tylenol, zyrtec, nyquil, dayquil, eemergen-c! super fun costco trip!!! : )</p>

<p>I ordered a box of clemintine oranges to be sent to DS. Are supposed to be delivered this week. He loves them, and I thought they would make him happy and be healthy.</p>

<p>I just mailed a care package with two bags of Beaver Nuggets from Buc-ees (a special request) along with assorted other food items and a couple of Christmas decorations. Daughter’s room is looking particularly festive these days.</p>

<p>I send a box about every two weeks with sundry things that look interesting/good BUT I have to say that I really like so many of the ideas you folks have shared here! Thank you!Good luck to all of our kids during finals and ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Thanks to whoever suggested Cheryl’s Cookies as a treat … my DD just texted that she was eating the best cookie ever … and that the “singing box” was unexpected and rather funny to have opened in the very quiet post office.</p>

<p>I haven’t tasted Cheryl’s Cookies, but I have sent them to people and they say they are great. My favorite is their $5 cookie card (which includes shipping) for any occasion. I usually send it to the college kids for Halloween, Easter and birthdays etc. as it really costs no more than a regular card/stamp. One of my son’s is a type 1 diabetic so this is a great way to give him a manageable treat with a known carb count. The popcorn factory is a great way to go too as they have some great pails/baskets etc. for less than $35 shipped.</p>

<p>You guys have put my caffeinated gummy bears to shame.</p>

<p>Next year I’m stepping up my game.</p>

<p>Please remember to start this thread earlier - I’m slow.</p>

<p>Care packages shipped this week should still arrive in time for finals. Alternatively, see if Amazon has something you think would be a good choice and use the free 2 day shipping with Amazon Prime.</p>

<p>My mom often sends me care packages which consist of foods I like that are not sold in Alabama. One package I received this year included a loaf of Tillamook Medium Cheddar Cheese. As she wrapped and included a cold pack, it held up during the 2 day transit. I know that momreads ships her son Utz brand pretzels on a regular basis.</p>

<p>When your students are juniors or seniors, it’s worth noting that one cannot legally ship alcoholic beverages to Alabama. Otherwise, you could do a “beer/wine of the month” club. :)</p>