Career Center Summary of Salary and Job Placement Information

Apologies if this has already been posted, but this question comes up a lot, and the data isn’t always at anybody’s fingertips:

College of Engineering (May 2015 grads):

Culverhouse College of Commerce (May 2015 grads):

You can find previous years as well here:

Thank you so much for doing the digging to find and post this information. It is very informative and this is the type of information that is important when helping our children decide on a school. We are finding UA more and more appealing.

^agreed! Roll Tide

Yes, very nice info!

Another parent on the engineering parent FB page posted it, so I snagged it for here! :slight_smile:

Good find! Thank you for sharing. I’d like to share this with my new graduate.

These numbers are right in-line with all of the other engineering schools that I have looked at: UIUC, UMMN, ISU, Purdue. UA graduates get the same pay level as everyone else.

As I told my nephew, ISU undergrad, the pay is good because employers are not paying because someone is a super Calc whiz or such, they are paying because the student learned how to analyze/solve problems and has technical skill. Making it through a tough engineering program, ABET accredited, means a student has perseverance and will work until they understand and reach a solution.

Pay is always commensurate with ability and how many have the required attributes. Simple economics at work.

The CS salary info looks to be on the low side (with a median salary below $60K). Any insight?
It would be useful if the number of respondents was provided.
Is the placement heavily weighted in the SE?

If it was regional deflation, it does not explain why GaTech CS grads had a median salary of $92K.

Any info to compare to UF, NC State, or Clemson CS grads?

UIUC CS grads average salary (AUG 14, DEC 14, and MAY15) was $85K

UM-TC was $76K

Purdue was $81K

IlliniDad18, I was wondering about that also. My UA CS son graduated in December, moved to CA and is making a lot more than the median (but keep in mind that his cost of living is much higher there than in other areas so the pay is higher also.) Maybe many CS graduates stayed in Alabama where the cost of living is ALOT lower so the salaries tend to start lower too. Or maybe since UA doesn’t have as many CS graduates as an engineering school like Purdue, the few that started with a real low salary brought down the average.

FYI, my UM-TW Mechanical Engineer graduate and ME friends found that the starting salary in our area (Chicago-Milwaukee corridor) was less than they expected from the published reports.

GT is much more nationally recruited than UA, so regional deflation would play a role. This can be seen in LinkedIn or at the list of companies that participate in the Fall/Spring Job fairs.


Here’s the top areas for GT alumni

United States 123,914
Greater Atlanta Area 57,181
San Francisco Bay Area 5,838
Greater New York City Area 4,424
Washington D.C. Metro Area 3,936
India 2,714
Houston, Texas Area 2,457
Greater Boston Area 2,120
Greater Seattle Area 1,995

You have to go down the list for a bit, before you find a southeast city, that’s not named Atlanta.

Does UA only report surveys from those two colleges? I’d be interested in other students’ placement rates and their initial salaries as well. If anyone has other links for other UA departments/colleges, please post. Curious…