Jobs after college?

<p>where do most alabama undergrads get jobs from
companies, locations around the us, etc

<p>What school/major? </p>

<p>This provides some information for engineering and business:
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’m curious about this as well. I know Alabama does well with placing its STEM graduates into lucrative positions, but does anyone know of any liberal arts majors who have done well in the job market without a graduate degree?</p>


<p>That is too broad a question because it’s dependent on major and interest.</p>

<p>You’re going to be a ChenE major so the answer would be very different from someone who’s going to be nurse, teacher, doctor, lawyer, CPA, etc.</p>

<p>Many people who are majoring in ChemE are going five different routes: the oil industry, chemical companies, med school, utility companies, or other companies that need chemE’s. Those jobs are instate as well as OOS. </p>

<p>Salaries for ChemE grads are very high. Although my ChemE son went to med school, his ChemE friends were immediately employed into jobs paying $75k - 90k per year. </p>

<p>Edjumacation…I think it would be best if you started your own thread so that this one can deal with ChemE, the OP’s major. </p>


<p>haha you know me too well!</p>

<p>mom2collegekids do you know where in the us a lot of engineering grads get jobs?? and what companies?</p>

<p>there is a list of companies that were at the career fair last week in another thread. </p>

<p>The career center is quite helpful in answering some of these questions. I would suggest that you send them an email.</p>

<p>There are several states that I know that ChemE’s have gotten jobs: FL, Texas, AL, Miss, LA, Ohio, PA, and CA. </p>

<p>There is also a ChemE grad that used to post here. He got his job in Wisconsin.</p>

<p>ChE kids i know are interviewing for (or have lined up) jobs in AL, FL, GA, VA, LA, TX, TN, NY.</p>