Career Choice CONFUSION!

<p>When I was a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a vet, but now I don’t think I could handle the stress. So I looked into Equine Therapy and have become very serious about it. But then I look at my love for history. Not the so-and-so-did-this-on-this-date kind of history, but the archaeological aspect of history. I am fascinated the 16th century European history (especially Ireland, little is known about that period in Ireland) of every-day life. The fashions, the food, the crops, the jobs, the entertainment, everything! My eye snags on anything that says "16th century, Renaissance, Celtic, History, Egypt, Romans or Archaeology." I can't help it!
On the other hand, my brain tells me to do something that I can actually make money off of, so that I can settle down some day.
In Archaeology, the jobs are often precarious.
I love animals, Horses, dogs, birds and fish mostly (in that order); I think a career in animals might be good.
I can NOT have a job in an office with computers (although I am pretty good with them). I do things better if I am a little more active, sitting in a chair in a cubical, typing and going to meetings all day would drive me insane.
I also like children, at the moment I am a WSI (Water Safety Instructor) at my local pool. I love it, but sometimes the kids are brats and get on my nerves. Teaching is very rewarding for me, but then, so is helping injured horses and putting the broken pieces of our past together.</p>

<p>Any thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? </p>


<p>i know this isn't the answer you've been looking for, but truthfully no one can make this decision but you. Just way out the pros and cons of each career and job. Find whats important to you and to what extent is it important to you such as how important is money to you, fun or interest in the field, etc.</p>

<p>get the book "Major in Success" by Combs which is about college students who parlay their interests into internships and careers. Also there is the classic "What Color is Your Parachute" which focuses on figuring out what you want to do and then finding out where you can do it. </p>

<p>The problem many HS students face is they don't know much about what careers are really out there. They can name a few obvious ones (teacher, retail sales, lawyer, doctor, etc) but aren't aware of all the jobs really out there in a country of 280 million people. Nobody can know of ALL the jobs of course, but books such as the ones above, working with the career center at your college, and experience thru internships will reveal a much larger world than the one you're aware of now.</p>

<p>I know that no one can make the choice for me, but does anyone have any thoughts on the matter?
Money is not a huge issue, but I want to be able to live comfortably. Have my own house, some land, peruse some of my hobbies, have a job I like and most of all be able to have a family. </p>

<p>Maybe I will go into Equine Therapy and just be an amateur archeologist for a hobby. :)</p>