Career Choice??? Help!!

<p>I am a junior and I change my future-career every week. I'm considering a Pediatric Dentist, Pediatric Radiologist, or something in the business field. I honestly do not know.</p>

•I hate blood!!!
•I want a job that pays 6-digits.
•Not an outdoor person.
•Hobbies: shopping and traveling
•Obtaining Doctorates Degree
•Something Entertaining</p>

<p>“I want a job that pays 6-digits.” …At least you’re honest.</p>

<p>Most doctors I know are only paid in the 5-digit range, even when translated into US dollars. That’s sort of irrelevant though, as you probably get paid more in the US.</p>

<p>Anyway, my main point here is that if you fail in the “6-digits” category you needn’t worry too much. It isn’t /actually/ necessary to be able to (theoretically) buy a flat every year.</p>

<p>To be honest, this post looks a little trolly. Who would consider trying to become any kind of doctor when they hate blood?
Regardless, there are few careers in which you are likely to earn 6 digits, although many that it is a possibility. With your suggestions, I would go with business.</p>

<p>OP should become a surgeon.</p>

<p>Hate blood but want to be a doctor? Become one of those Exotic Dancer/Nurse ladies to old men(assuming your a female, cant tell name) you can make around 6 figures with your tips</p>