Career in Fashion

<p>My goal is to work for a fashion magazine in New York like Vogue, Marie Claire, etc. My dream job would be reporting on fashion, working on editorials, styling, etc., so I don't know what double major would be the best choice. I am for sure going to major in Journalism. But im not sure if I should double major in Marketing/Journalism or Public Relations/Journalism. None of the schools im applying has fashion merchandising as an option so im thinking that Marketing or Public Relations will cover some of the similar concepts. Im planning on going to the University of Miami, because i like the flexibility of the journalism program they offer and I would be able to do alot of internships. If anyone in the fashion career has any advice, that would be helpful! Or if you know of any fashion pr firms in miami where I could intern?</p>

<p>help me please :)</p>

<p>I’m looking to do pretty much the same thing! lol. I personally think public relations would help you the most if fashion merchandising isn’t offered. I did have a teacher of mine though, who taught at the school of the art institute in chicago, that I could also do Art History or Criticism. Hope this helped!</p>