Double Major: Journalism and Marketing?

<p>Okay, so here's my dilemma. I originally wanted to major in Journalism and Fashion Merchandising because it combined my two passions- writing and fashion. I would ideally like to work for Fashion magazine when i leave college, maybe editor. I'm not exactly sure yet.
I applied to
1. University of Florida
2. University of Miami
3. Northwestern University
4. Indiana University- Bloomington
5. UNC- Chapel Hill
but I recently found out, after tons of research,that none of these schools have a fashion merchandising major or any fashion related major in that case. They have really good Journalism schools but nothing related to fashion so I was considering in double majoring in Journalism and Marketing instead. Do you think that marketing will help me gain the skills I need for my career even though it isn't fashion concentrated? Should I settle for a school that has both majors but not an "as good" journalism program as the ones I am applying to thus far? Any opinions on double majoring in these two fields or the business programs at the schools listed above?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Im just not sure what direction to go in or what to do. (:</p>

<p>Look at Syracuse!</p>

<p>Indiana U does have a fashion merchandising program:
[Retail</a> Design + Merchandising Group | Department of Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design | Indiana University Bloomington](<a href=“]Retail”></p>

<p>You might also check out the retailing major in the school of human ecology at U Wisconsin, and the textile & apparel design program, which has an option for a joint degree with the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York.
[Textile</a> & Apparel Design Major - UW-Madison Design Studies Department](<a href=“The School of Human Ecology – UW–Madison”>
[Consumer</a> Science: Retailing Major](<a href=“The School of Human Ecology – UW–Madison”>The School of Human Ecology – UW–Madison)</p>

<p>The College of Design at U Minnesota also offers programs in apparel design and retail merchandising.
[College</a> of Design](<a href=“]College”></p>

<p>Both Wisconsin and Minnesota also have good journalism schools.</p>

<p>mizzou has the best journalism program. hands down.</p>

<p>I’d suggest looking at schools around New York City with journalism programs. From there, you can work on getting an internship at one of the fashion books…</p>

<p>Hi chellybabie…
I am doing research on my own to try and figure out what major is best for me. I just completed my second year of college and I am still completely unsure of what I want to do. I originally was going to go to my school for a Major in Business and Fashion Merchandising but I have heard awful things about fashion merchandising and have started to change my mind. I started to consider Journalism and Marketing but I am just still so unsure. I don’t want to be stuck doing something I hate for the rest of my life, but I also don’t want to be broke. I was wondering what route you ended up taking for your school and how its working out for you??</p>
