Carleton College Admissions Fall 2022 - Class of 2026

The deadline to apply to Carleton is coming up on January 15th! Applying for Fall 2022? This is your spot to ask questions, swap stats, and share results. Good luck everyone!

Has anyone heard of a RD release date for Carleton yet? I am tracking to track these so please keep me posted if anyone hears!


It is March 18 at 8:00 pm Central


Did everyone get the same mail, just wondering cause my mail seems extremely positive?


physical mail or email? and what did it say - if you don’t mind my asking

My son received an email. It was very upbeat and had some links to some fun things to do while he waits for the decision.


My son received the Carleton email notifying him of the decision date and recommending fun links as well.


Ohh yes, me too. Thank you for clarifying!

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Are there any indicators to know about acceptance before actual decisions are released?

I’m not sure since I think everyone here got the fun links email

which said this at the end after the links to the bubble wrap and sudoku:

Whatever your speed, we hope you find a moment to kick back and relax. There’s nothing left to do now but wait.

Inhale. Exhale. You’ll be hearing from us soon

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Anyone else’s portal change?

Not mine.

What changed for you?

It says the review of my application is complete underneath the person doing the Rubix cube


Mine changed to that in early Feb

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Today’s the day!! :yellow_heart: :blue_heart:

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My son just received an email letting him know the decision will be posted today at 6pm PT/7pm MT/8pm CT/9pm ET.

Good luck everyone!

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Was this the email from last week or did it actually come today?

It came into my son’s email this morning at 10am PT.

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