Carnegie Mellon Attestations


I just checked my “Where Am I In The Process?” and saw that I was accepted into Carnegie Mellon. However, I cannot view my financial aid, because after clicking on the button labeled “Financial Aid Notification”, I am sent to screen where it says:

“Your financial aid processing is not yet complete.
Check back on ‘Where Am I In the Process’ to be sure you’ve submitted all your required documents.”

The only missing document? My attestations. According to multiple sites, you’re supposed to be able to complete the attestations by clicking on “Financial Aid Notification”. But, as stated above, I only get the message saying that my documents aren’t all finished.

Is anyone else having this problem? Or know how to fix it?

I have the attestations thing and my financial aid isn’t available yet either. I think we should wait a few days and then if it’s not there then call.

@BreadCrumb @BrasswindMusic

Financial aid documents have been sent out about three days after decisions are released.

You will get an estimated financial aid package even without the attentations submitted. You will have the opportunity to fill it out at a later date – call admissions for that information.