Carnegie Mellon Class of 2027 Official Thread

where is that? thank you!

I have no clue; they worded it as if it is something they do not offer everyone :slight_smile:
“Because of your qualifications, we are offering you the opportunity to be placed on our priority waiting list. If you choose to participate in our priority waiting list option, you will be among the first students admitted to Carnegie Mellon from the waiting list.”

Son was waitlisted CS. 1590 4.0 uw.

The letter mentions priority but I checked and priority waitlist is available to all waitlisted (it is non-binding, but if accepted and you want to attend you have only 72 hours to commit and deposit, so it’s intended only if CMU is your top choice).

However, I wanted to add that being waitlisted at a school like CMU is IMO still an accomplishment, and priority not being more selective than the regular waitlisting should not diminish that for anyone here. :heart:


Rejected, starting to feel numb at this point, was carefully optimistic and now I have to pray for next week …

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Hang in there! Just applying to CMU already shows that you are an exceptional student. There are many colleges out there that would love to have you. It sounds cliche (and I am sorry) but I have been through this before with other kids-things will work out, they always do. Best wishes!


No. It’s not binding. You just need to give them a yes/no answer in 72 hours.

And yes, everyone waisted is offered “priority”, so it’s a marketing gimmick.


Correct, it is not binding. Sorry that my wording wasn’t clear: if you DO want to accept the offer, you have 72 hours to accept and deposit, is what I meant. I’ll edit my comment to be clearer.

Most college waitlists, possibly all, give you a very short window to accept or decline an offer before they move down the waitlist. So declaring 72 hours up-front is transparent and efficient, but not really unique to their “priority” WL.

Son has been waitlisted. Tough weekend here. Expecting rejections for the rest. 36 ACT, high GPA, Eagle Scout, leadership, work experience, tutoring, blah, blah, blah. Please keep in mind that being rejected to these schools should not diminish the great accomplishments of your child.


Everybody waitlisted is offered to be on that “priority” list.

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Waitlisted in CS. Rejected in Dietrich.

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DS accepted, stats major, Dietrich :tada: He is so happy!


Daughter accepted by BCSA! After rejection from Northwestern, this is a relief. The combination of music and CS is something she focused on. At Northwestern, it was difficult to show that, unless she wants to double major, which we heard it’s nearly impossible to manage in reality.

When we visited CMU last summer, we felt that BXA is a rather close-knit community within CMU, very supportive of one another and very diverse. Not as cut-throat as the CS school. We hope it’s truly the case, as university learning is a lot more than learning for a job.


waitlisted for chem engineering. SAT 1550 GPA 4.5 multiple extra curriculars choir/musical theater and professional actor

and Mum is SCOTTISH who came here in 1990

waitlisted for Tepper. 34 ACT, multiple extracurriculars.



Waitlisted SCS, we move (4.0UW, 1530)

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waitlisted scs, (4.0 UW, 1540), I didn’t update them before the January 15th window when I had something, I should have done that but it might not have made a difference. JHU it is!


My son was waitlisted which we were not expecting. So pretty happy to have gotten that far!