Carnegie Mellon CMU Waitlist 2027

I was able to talk to an Admissions Officer today regarding getting the email with the information about the May 3rd to May 5th notifications, because I did not get that email.
The admissions officer informed me that I was on the priority waitlist and they received all my materials so I do not have to worry.

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That’s great. Did they say anything about whether they have started giving waitlisted students offers?

The Admissions Officer told me that most of the results would be given out after April 5th, if I heard what she said correctly :).

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Sorry, I meant May 5th.

I would not be surprised if the results start coming out tomorrow. I have seen many inconsistencies in what the Admission office said and what actually happened in the past. May 5th seems too late considering what they said in the email.


Anyone hear anything?

Just got off the waitlist at 1:10 pm

congrats! what major/school?

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Congratulations! What school/ major?

Which school? Congrats!

Did anyone see students getting off CMU WL on Reddit? I only have one - jwmz29 - getting off the WL so far. The process must have just started this afternoon.

No updates on Reddit or A2C Discord yet

School of Design! I’m dual majoring w HCI in scs

School of Design!

School of Design, design major+HCI

Congrats again!!

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Thanks! I’m sure other decisions are still coming out and they probably can’t do them all at once because the lady who emailed me said if I didn’t confirm by the next business day she would have to offer the spot to someone else.

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Did anyone get off the waitlist for Tepper or know anything about the waitlist for Tepper?

Do you qualify any financial aid?

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Things are lining up today to see some WL movements.

So far I only have one. Let’s update when we have news. Please watch out Reddit as well.

Good luck!

School of Design (+HCI at SCS): 1