Carnegie Mellon CMU Waitlist 2027

Well, I speculate as CC is a small sample, there could be more students than four received the email so far. It has been only two full working days so there is still hope! Whoever received the email Thursday had time to confirm until Friday and submit deposit until Wednesday. We don’t even know how many emails were sent out Thursday. It is also possible some colleges hasn’t started sending out emails yet but they should by Monday. Things should wrap up toward the end of next week.


Just contacted SCS admissions, and they say there won’t be any movement for SCS CS major. They say that it’s unlikely there will be further movement from the waitlist for CS and they have already filled what was available from the waitlist. We also won’t receive any info on May 9.

That’s disappointing…I’m assuming this is probably the case for everyone waiting :frowning:

Any info on the Engineering school? TIA.

I know someone who got off for meche

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Sorry to hear that. As SCS has very high yield, they probably did not need that many to get off the WL. Still very disappointing!

Other colleges may not be in the same situation, so those who are waitlisted at others, still there is hope!

I also speculate that the reason we will not receive any information on May 9 is because the WL process is taking a little bit longer than originally expected which also gives hope for those who are waiting.

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Besides SCS, did anyone contact the Admission office to get an update about where we are in this WL process?

I asked. All they said was decisions will be out by tmr May 9th…preparing for the worst now

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Did you ask for an update of a specific college or the WL process in general? May 9th is the day that was said in the email that everyone on the priority WL “should” receive the decision.

But, if you look at the earlier post regarding SCS WL, Admission office said that no information will be provided by the 9th.

I speculate the person whom you spoke to at the Admission office simply repeated what is known in the email to you?

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I chatted with the Admission office.

I asked we are on the priority WL and if they still expect to send out the WL result by tomorrow May-9 as it was communicated before.

They said they do not expect that much WL movements and the goal is to send out the result/information by tomorrow.

It seemed they were almost done sending out emails to the candidates.

It is still possible for small movements as some will not make a deposit, etc. but it seemed most WL movements have already happened.

I hope the best for HS seniors who fought the good fight.

God bless.


This is discouraging but I appreciate the information.


Does it mean all of us will receive a decision email? Or only who gets accepted will receive an update

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Did the decletter disappear on the portal for anyone? I logged into my account today and saw that I could no longer see my decletter or my response for the waitlist. Previously, the first thing I saw once I logged in is a box with a green border and the option to view my decision below.

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Mine’s still there. Maybe there’s an update of your application status.

My decletter also disappeared on the portal, but I have no official decision as of right now. Waitlisted at School of biological sciences. Quite anxious!

for MCS, cmu’s admissions office replied to me around 24 hrs earlier and they said they will be taking a few more days to process all the info. so safe for now…?

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Gotcha. that might be the case for the other schools too perhaps. I’ll email them to see what’s going on there. thanks!

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I believe everyone will receive an update, acceptance or rejection

same…i think they are loading in the rejection letters :frowning: was a good fight


I also waitlisted at bio and my decletter same disappeared… Seems like rejection is on the way