Carnegie Mellon CMU Waitlist 2027

I still have my decision letter that says I’m waitlisted. What does that mean…


im waitlisted for ECE


mine still says waitlisted (ECE) as well at most it doesn’t mean anything

I chatted with the Admission office again today.

  1. They expect insignificant WL movements left.
  2. They plan to send out the decision letter today but it can take one or two more days.

As everyone knows those who get accepted to CMU from WL receive a separate email first. CMU already sent out emails to their first choices since last Thursday. The decision letter that will be loaded up in the portal is the letter of rejection not the acceptance.

I believe the reason that it can take one or two more days is because they are waiting to get the commitments from those whom were contacted first. If one does not commit, the school needs to extend an offer to a new candidate, therefore it is a rolling process, but, as time goes the remaining number of seats becomes very low.

It is a known fact that FA plays a very significant role in WL. We submitted FASFA and CMU calculated somewhat generous grant amount for us; it is the school’s best interest to find those who can pay the full price. I am not even sure if we ever had a legitimate chance to get off the WL because of the FA that the school has to offer once we get off the WL.

To improve our odds, I even pledged that I would not take the school’s FA and will borrow money from private banks instead. Not sure if the school ever read the update or if it ever had an impact on their decision making process.

I went to a second-tier state university, however, I worked really hard to improve my social status. Eventually, I worked at NASA, at Elon Musk’s SpaceX, and Richard Branson’s Virgin Orbit, and MIT as a space scientist.

College brand is not everything.

Just because you could not get into a dream school does not mean you are a failure. Failures can happen to every successful person.

Go to the school that you are accepted and work hard to be the best you can and show the world the mistakes that the schools that rejected you made.

That is how you make yourself and parents proud.


Probably only MCS and SCS updated their portals

As of 1:40pm ET, my son’s portal remains the same. :woman_shrugging:

my sons too


My green box where it said I was on the waitlist for SCS disappeared as well. Does that mean they plan on rejecting me or accepting me? Does anyone have any insight on this?


Probably means rejection since most people got that

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Green box still there as of 3pm. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Ig only MCS and SCS disappeared and it’s probably not a good sign

I guess they only send acceptance update today. Those who haven’t received anything are kinda rejected

no it will be the first wave of rejections tonight :sob:

applied tepper - i still have the green waitlist box, and in the admissions documents received section it says “comment” in between the “document” and “status” section. does anyone have this?

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My son applied to Tepper and there’s no “comment” section. He still has a green box. What does your comment say?

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Oh never mind. I see the “comment” word. Was that not there before?

I dont think mine was here earlier today

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Applied to Dietrich Econ. I also have the “comment” section for each of my documents. I also went ahead and asked an admission officer about Dietrich waitlist, and they said they are “expecting limited additional waiting list activity for Dietrich.”


Well, here’s the rejection letter. Thanks for being on this journey together. Wish the rest of you guys good luck!


SCS view decision letter popped back up for me again just now…too scared to check :disappointed:

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