Carnegie Mellon - The Tipping Point

<p>I'm applying to 7 schools, but I just want to know my chances at Carnegie Mellon. It's the 4th school on my list for acceptance rate (3 are harder, 3 are easier), and because I'm assuming rejection from my top 3 (2 ivies and a conservatory), I hope to GOD I can get in at CMU because to have more rejections than acceptances would make me a very, very sad girl.</p>

<p>GPA weighted: 101.14
unweighted: Probably a 98.
rank: 1/360</p>

<p>SAT I: 2240 (760 W, 750 V, 730 M)</p>

<p>SAT IIs (RETAKING): 660 Math IIc, 670 Chem, 670 Spanish</p>

<p>ECs: key club, spanish club prez, student council, NHS webmaster/historian, varsity soccer, rowan youth orchestra, clarinet lessons, piano lessons, on and off dance lessons, math league, NJ Science League Bio and Chem, pit player for HS musical (our musicals are super good), soccer camps and summer leagues</p>

<p>Volunteering: with elementary school band, stuff for NHS/keyclub/student council, Church band, Relay for Life, Talent show, Art Show</p>

<p>Work : Church piano player, sorbello girls farm market (summer), family farm(summer)</p>

<p>Honors and stuff: 3rd chair in All south jersey symphonic band, rowan university honors band 1st clarinet part, AMC 10, AMC 12 (in 11th grade), top scorer in school for national bio exam + chem exam, 1st chair in school wind ensemble (which is best in south jersey), played with professional string players at our auditorium's grand opening and was a soloist, solo'd in orchestra, played own composition in 10th grade piano recital, superintendent's list all 12 marking periods from 9th-11th grade (all grades above 93), Gifted and Talented + Knowledge Master Open, presidential physical fitness award :), "outstanding student of america" though that's all scam, "who's who" though that's all scam, state spelling bee in 5th grade. lol. our band goes to the state gala every year. Bloustein scholar. that's all I can think of now.</p>

<p>The soloist/1st chair stuff is also a lot of leadership.</p>

<p>course load this year (it's harder than it looks)
-AP English
-AP Chem
-AP Calc <3
-Honors Physics
-Spanish 5 Honors
-Wind Ensemble
-Advanced Web Development
(would have taken more ap's...scheduling conflicts...)</p>

<p>Oh and I'm white and from a public school in NJ.</p>


<p>29 views and 0 responses. Bumpworthy.</p>

<p>I'm a cmu parent (son CS). </p>

<p>Computer science at CMU is a tough admit, about 20%, near lower ivy level. That said I think you have a decent chance, and being a female helps. It's not a safety for anyone but it may be a match for you.</p>

<p>School of Music...I don't have first hand knowledge but it is conservatory-like, exceedingly selective small program. Chances would be impossible to predict in a program like this, but they are not high for nearly anyone.</p>

<p>As a side note it would be very difficult to major in both at CMU I don't know if that's your plan. </p>

<p>Of course it's a personal choice but if you get in one or both programs I'd seriously consider attending or at least visiting (even if you get into an ivy or 2) as these 2 programs are top notch.</p>

<p>D was accepted to CMU 2 years ago. I think you have a very good chance of getting in, but computer science major is not a sure thing. As CMU lets you apply to multiple schools, would you consider applying to the Humanities/Social Science School too?? I think you would definitely get into that. Your stats were better than my d's and she was accepted. If Admissions Office feels that you REALLY want to go to CMU it may help in the overall admissions process and may even help you getting into the Computer Science division. Good luck.</p>

<p>You will probably get in. Not definate, but I'd be surprised if you don't</p>

<p>I'm worried because I had to rush my application (due december first because of fine arts) and therefore had good but too-typical essays.</p>

<p>My "reason" for wanting to apply to both Music and Computer Science (music as my minor) was weird...I attributed my love of music to my childhood love of video games and I want to merge these two fields because I love to create and design things, but I think the technical aspect of it is really awesome too (and I love math). I would love to design my own programs.</p>

<p>yo..I applied ED I for CMU SCS. I also wrote about video games and video game music.. weird, eh?</p>

<p>My stats arent as fabulous as yours but my extracurrics have more passion for cs. and I took more cs course. Maybe we'll end up as roommates :P</p>

<p>munkeegirl - that really IS weird. I was signed up to take a CS course but our school cancelled the class :( so the next closest thing is advanced web development, which is most defnitely more CSS than CS. I only got truly interested in CS pretty much last year/sophomore year, so I haven't had much chance (that didn't involve forking over a lot of money) to really do anything (I mentioned that I bought my own CS books/software in my essay though).</p>

<p>Would love to hear how your d feels about CMU. My daughter interested in the economics program, but wants to continue music activities. Also loves bio. Do you know if there's been much reliance on grad students to teach? Impression of faculty - are they prepared when they teach? clear? accessible? Thanks.</p>