<p>What year do you get to use a car if any?</p>
<p>I think its the very end of your junior year, but you can have one your senior year. Oh yeah, I think its funny how the military made an acronym for car that takes longer to say than car. POV-personally owned vehicle.</p>
<p>You didnt steal that from Absolutely American at all...</p>
<p>most cadets dont get their car until they get their cow loan. my sis said its around presidents day weekend to beg. of spring break.</p>
<p>dang...now I cant get a car for 2-3 more years...gah</p>
<p>its not that bad, just get a ride or go to a civilian school.</p>
<p>Cows may have a car after Spring Break. Permission to have a car isn't related to the Cow Loan although it may seem that way. Many Cows use the loan to purchase a vehicle...which is a seperate issue from having permission to have one at WP. </p>
<p>PS: West Point is a post, not a campus. ;-)</p>
<p>since this threads getting hits does anyone know when UCSB allows cars?</p>
<p>i would guess you can have one whenever you want one since its a civilian school.....</p>
<p>well ya but the thing is its so crowded that they dont let you have a car at some schools..and at UCLA its not even practical so i guess the better question would be is it practical at UCSB to have a car?</p>
<p>heres what I found:<a href="http://kiosk.ucsb.edu/Transportation/topark.asp?page=transportation&subpage=topark%5B/url%5D">http://kiosk.ucsb.edu/Transportation/topark.asp?page=transportation&subpage=topark</a></p>
<p>BUT if you go to ucsb, you should live in isla vista. that would be the chunk of appartment wasteland next to campus. you dont need a parking permit to park there, so im sure you can have your car all 4 (or 5) years you are there if you live in IV</p>
<p>mumford-a friend told me that, then I laughed when I read it in Absolutely American and laughed. So, I've got to give credit to a friend not the book.</p>
<p>a lot of stuff is like that in the military</p>
<p>Haha fair enough, not trying to break your balls just saying. thats funny though</p>
<p>haha, hey mumford I know your not trying to break my "balls" or lack there of ;). It's great to be a girl on this board, everyone thinks your a guy. Don't feel bad mumford, I've assumed plenty of people were guys and they turned out to be girls (sorry marines4me!) and I also thought someone else was a girl who turned out to be a guy. It can be confusing!</p>
<p>Haha it really can be hard on the computer these days...but i guess you've gotta put up with technology these days. A male/female label wouldnt be bad, just so you could be polite to people. Well atleast it makes for funny discussion</p>
<p>just call everyone "it" im sure they wouldnt mind :p</p>