CAS Ideas?

<p>Hey so, I'm a junior and this is my first year of IB. My CAS Advisor has talked to us about CAS and gave us some examples for each. I want to hear some of your ideas for each or what you did. I'm mostly interested in Action though because Creativity is covered pretty much and Service is most like volunteering.</p>

<p>My DD does Crew 20+ hours per week.</p>

<p>What is Crew if you don’t mind me asking?</p>

<p>Rowing- like in the Olympics. Not many schools have crew/rowing. Pick a sport you can do at your school. How about cross country?</p>

<p>I don’t know about your school, but gym counts for our hours of Action.</p>

<p>Haha definitely can’t do both, I’m in a marching/concert band and have practice from 3-5 everyday. So no time for sports :frowning: and the likelyhood of a rowing team in Texas is nil! :slight_smile: but thank you.</p>

<p>Marching band sometimes counts for Action because of the movement and walking you so</p>

<p>My son did a “couch to 5K” program with a friend who runs as his supervisor. That way it was totally on his own schedule either running in a park or at the gym.</p>

<p>Find a friend and pick up a new sport/activity. I have been climbing for years and that is my action (find a local climbing gym. It’s worth it). People I know do cc, someone’s taking up yoga, go train for a 5 or 10 K or better yet a triathlon. Ultimate frisbee is something I know people are in. Go to a local gym and take Zumba or kickboxing. Go take a dance class (Latin dance is really fun). You can count pretty much anything for CAS</p>

<p>It seems to me the Marching Band would count because of the marching.</p>

<p>Our D did yoga, hiking, ice skating…really a variety of general fitness. Just remember to get it signed off as you go.</p>

<p>Anything goes for CAS. Seriously. </p>

<p>Forgot how to have fun while doing the Gifted IB.</p>