Case Western Admitted Student Day

Just back from Case Western Admitted Student Day(s). Anyone else there? Would love to hear some reactions.

The general university program was very well done, with lots of information sessions and opportunities to ask questions.

The nursing sessions were informative, but so crowded. I wish it were broken into smaller groups so we could ask more questions. For anyone interested, the nursing program is based near the Cleveland Clinic now (new this year), in a brand new Health Education Center building that houses multiple disciplines (dental, allied health, social work, etc). Very modern and fully “technologized.” I’m sure the nursing education there is first class.

D20 stayed overnight in the dorm with a nursing student who was friendly and sweet and answered all her questions. That was a highlight.

This is probably not the right school for my D but we continue to think about it.

Anyone else?

Why did you think it was not the right school? We are scheduled to visit in April.

We attended the event last week and were very impressed! It was our first time to visit Cleveland area.

Our daughter is interested in the Biochem and pre-med track. The pre-med/pre health information was excellent since they gave us tons of information about what required to go to Medical schools. We spoke at length with my daughter’s host about the general information about the schools. She gave us some insights that if students like to party & don’t like to study, then CWRU is not the place. However, she loves the school because of the environment where everyone is very collaborative and loves to learn together. It is not a cut throat environment and professors are very supportive.

I think the school is so underrated considering its great locations (near Cleveland Clinic, UH, other health facilities, museums, Severance Hall). Overall, we are very impressed with what the school offers and its location. My daughter will be waiting for more decisions next month but CWRU is definitely in our radar.

My DD definitely felt CWRU was not for her, despite top tier nursing program, great facilities and attractive merit. She wanted the full college experience - not just a life of nursing from day one. She is loving having more breadth and experience right now across her college classes (will end up with a Minor in art!) and is meeting so many people. She works hard, but wants to play too. She watched the sorority recruitment videos for all the colleges in her consideration set as Greek Life was something she was excited to experience - they were an extremely helpful input to her decision making as they share a slice of life and culture for the school.

My daughter also went to accepted students day last year not for nursing but for Engineering (BioE). This is a great top tier research university but it was not a good fit for my daughter. Phrases tossed around “get your geek on” “not a rah rah school” —that is Case. My daughter wanted the academics and lots of school spirit and sports. She had Villanova, Univ of Miami, and UMD on her plate also so she was able to rule CW out right after our visit. Hope that helps.

If she is already getting the feeling that CWRU is not for her, I would seriously advise against coming here. I am a current freshman at CWRU and I made the mistake of not being 100 percent sure about coming here, and it has made for a miserable first year. I am transferring next year, and while there are some students that enjoy there time here the vast majority dislike it. The administration puts together great programs, and give nice merit aid to entice students to come to CWRU, but in the end CWRU is nothing like what the administration gets you to believe it is.

Do you mind elaborating more on what you meant by “but in the end CWRU is nothing like what the administration gets you to believe it is”? What is your major?

I visited CWRU with my son last Nov and we had a great time and loved the school. He’s going to attend the admitted student day at the end of this month. Would like to hear what you don’t like about the school so we can make an educated decision.

BTW, my son plans to major in nursing.


When I visited CWRU last year, the student guide told us that many (if not the majority) of the students study and major/minor in more than one discipline. For example, she majors in mechanical engineer, and minor in English. At the nursing information session, the student I talked to minors in Spanish. So my impression is that their lives is more than nursing. I also went to the Den (on campus Denny’s) on a Friday night for dinner, and saw many students there, and they all seemed to be enjoying their time at the school. When I took nursing line shuttle back to the school, I met a student who volunteered to help me with directions, and she happened to be a freshman nursing student. From our chat, she said she was having a great time at Case. I have another friend’s son who is currently a sophomore at Case doing nursing, also had nothing but praise for the school.

That being said, I don’t know much about sorority at Case.

I think it takes a very specific student to thrive educationally and socially at CWRU.
When I attended the admitted student day the campus felt really lively and fun because of all the great events put on by admissions. Parents also get the opportunity to ask questions and have cocktails with administration. It was a bit of a show, because if you walk around campus on typical days you will see little interaction among peers, and it feels uninviting. I will also add that I have had a number of instances with the administration making last minute decisions (to cover themselves) and taking no accountability for the results of these choices (I cannot elaborate as that will reveal my identity). But, I will say there are positives about the school and I have formed many bonds with my professors and opportunities are super accessible. From my experience I will say the nursing students are really outgoing and have a fun time. The nursing program is great, and if your son wants to be a nurse he will have a wonderful time at CWRU! The school is not for everyone, I have found that in order to thrive academically you must figure out a way to fit in socially. Which can be extremely challenging at CWRU, while there is a ton of ethnic diversity socially there is little to no diversity. Also, I am an economics and biochem major. I hope your son has an enjoyable time here!