Case Western Reserve Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Same here. My daughter was offered admission for spring. Is it worth the offer? It was my daughter’s top choice, but with EA deferral RD waitlist and now spring admission. My daughter is the salutatorian of her school, 4.85 GPA, national merit finalist and a very well rounded resume.

From my understanding, this was another very tough pandemic-affected year for college applicants, even very highly qualified students. Based on speaking with the guidance counselors and other parents at my son’s school, it sounds like many colleges had many more qualified applicants than they could possibly accept and that with many students taking gap years, semesters off, etc, it has been far from a “normal” year for admissions.

If it was her first or a highly ranked choice before, has anything really changed to make it less so?

The way her application was handled. She was accepted to UNC chapel hill OSS and Georgetown. And case was her target school where she really wanted to go for several reasons. How does your son plan to handle the gap semester

She has some great choices.
Until today, our son was leaning towards taking a gap year. He had a couple of choices, but in the past few weeks has been expressing more interest about taking some sort of gap.
He has not decided anything for sure, but some ideas are: Work to save some money and build life skills; an exchange / family home stay in a Spanish speaking country (he speaks Spanish quite well, and would like to develop that ability); take a cooking class; take a programming class; go on a marine research trip out of Woods Hole (Cape Cod); Play and develop some more original music with his band; not sure what other ideas he might have…

How about your daughter?

Hi… for the students/parents, who have accepted Spring Term at Casewestern… can you please share, what your children are planning to do in Gap Term? Looking for options around STEM/PreMed related aspects… Verto Italy or Verto London or Local Colleges Non-Degree credit courses… this is a tough decision… to move forward with Fall college or take a Semester Gap at Case

We will not be accepting the spring admittance.

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We will not be accepting the spring admittance.

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My son has accepted the spring admittance and planning to take courses in comm college for the fall. He’s meeting with Verto as well, but we don’t think he’d be pursuing that.


Congratulation hischoolmomof2. My son has accepted Spring Term at Case. Still evaluating Verto vs Other universities courses vs Taking up a job.


@GuyinBoston If you look up the thread, you will see some similar questions and answers. Call Admissions with your questions.

@hischoolmomof2 said:
We had a call with our Case admission counselor yesterday. Here’s what we were told:

1. How are spring admits handled? Is there orientation? Is there any special support?
They have the same experience as Fall cohort - orientation, housing (smaller subset of selections). They wouldn’t divulge a number or % when I asked what the typical cohort looks like
2. How did Spring admission go for the 2-18/2019 admission cycle? Did they have issues? What will be done differently if anything? They didn’t have any issues in the past looks like. Students don’t seem to find it that hard to settle in
3. Can I (the student) talk to other students who have done spring admission before? Didnt ask that question
4. How does it work signing up for classes? Will they be available when I need them? Yes, very similar to Fall and they asked to work with Undergraduate studies
5. What am I allowed to do for Fall semester? Can I attend Community college? Will those credits transfer? Typically students study abroad or community college (for credit courses that can count towards your degree, again work with Undergraduate studies on courses), no restrictions on credits but they don’t want you enrolled as a continuing student - just credit only. They also suggested full time employment, internship. We’re allowed to talk to study abroad department if we need more info
6. Will spring admits get freshman housing with the rest of freshmen? Yes they’re paired with other freshmen. We did ask them why spring spots open up and we were said its mostly due to study abroad, enrollment forecast etc. They did say its a smaller cohort than fall. Case apparently just released their first round of waitlist for spring on Friday. Fall waitlist hasn’t moved yet. They said we’d know more towards end of April, early May. They’re unable to predict the probability right now.

Anyone got off the waitlist for Fall semester?

My son is still on the waitlist. I think he’s pretty happy with Wisconsin-Madison.

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Are you still getting emails about the waitlist

everyone still on the short list should have received one today, just another update about spring admissions

Good Morning!!! My son got accepted for Case Spring Term Jan 2023. We are evaluating better things to do for Fall 2022. Can anyone guide around are we better off taking non-degree credit courses at Ohio State University Columbus or Cuyahoga Community College? Has any of your children decided? Want to make sure starting in Spring Term, he will be able to manage work load better. Hence he is leaning toward during Fall courses.

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My son is enrolled at a local community college for the Fall. Since he’s on the premed/biology (neuroscience) track, he’ll be doing Math (Calc 1, similar to Calc AB), Chem (Intro to chem), and PE credit. This totals up to 7 credits and Case lets him do 8 utmost. We reached out to Steven P. Scherger, Dean of Undergraduate Studies for the form and to ensure he’ll get credit at Case for the courses he chooses. He’s still not received an official approval yet but working through the process. I’d recommend your son reaches out to the Department Chair at Case and get an idea of what courses your son can take at a community college, identify the course at comm college, get the syllabus from the community college, and reach out to Undergrad studies and go from there. My son would be behind by 4-5 credits, but he should be able to catch up in the upcoming semesters. Good luck!


Sounds like a really solid plan. When my D18 was offered admission to attend a year later than she normally would have, from the waitlist in 2018, she had to enter as a true freshman with 0 credits. Seems like a better situation if someone starting in Jan or the next Fall can come in with some credits, unlike how it used to be. There wasn’t even Jan. acceptance back then!


Thank you! It’s hard to jump these hoops, but I am glad he has an option. I think the hardest part is telling people that you’re joining in Spring, though DS doesn’t seem to care. I wish they had this back then too @Winky1 - perhaps Case has learned it from their past experiences?


Thank you hischoolmomof2. Very informative. We didnt know that Case restricts 8 credits only. My son is thinking Calc, Chem and Bio at community college. He reached out to Steven P Scherger but no response yet. Appreciate you sharing the details. Thank You.

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CWRU has allowed my fall entry student to transfer 21 credits of community college credits taken during high school. The remaining 19 college credits didn’t transfer because these were also used to fulfill high school graduation requirements. (The rules may be different for post high school graduation, pre-matriculation credits.) I want to share this because it was one of my biggest questions during our college evaluation process.

We nearly overlooked CWRU as an option because we knew they’d be less generous with credit transfer than some other schools. My student has to retake a few courses which is frustrating. At least they should be easier the second time!