Case Western Reserve Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

it’s not really an option its a link to the transfer to CWRU website right below the “join an online event” on your application portal

Just got an email saying son did not get a spot off the waitlist. His file is now closed.


Same. Got the email this morning. My D committed to Univ of Rochester so all good. Glad that the notification was sent this early.


Im sorry for those getting news about being released. Its tough when a kid has hung in there.

So no transfer option, but rather info being sent to some about transferring?

Any offers for fall of 2023 as a true freshman? That was a killer for D18.

Did you get an email about completing one semester in London?

My D18 got the acceptance for a year later. D22 withdrew app after getting a big scholarship at Pitt. She had been deferred initially.

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congrats on pitt


rejected off the waitlist!

does this mean rejection?

As I read that they are asking if you want to stay on the WL. Many people have already had their applications and WL closed out. That appears yours is not one of them and they are looking to see if there will be any opportunity to admit to next year. So no. It seems you are being asked if you want to continue on the WL and need to respond to them.

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thank you!

Yeah. That’s good news. Your’e still in the game.

DS got notified that he’s no longer in the running for fall. He has committed to joining Spring. He’s excited about the Spring start, though Fall would have been ideal. Glad Case notified us earlier than dragging us till the end of May. Looks like Case is close to being done with the enrollment for the year. Here’s the verbiage from the email:

"As you know, we have been closely monitoring our enrollment numbers over the past several weeks and have continued to evaluate the possibility of offering you admission for this fall. After reviewing where we stand since the May 2 enrollment deposit deadline, we have determined we will not be in a position to offer you admission from the waitlist for this fall.

We are, however, thrilled to count you among the talented and high-achieving students who we will welcome to CWRU in the spring of 2023! We will be in touch very soon to share the next steps as you prepare for the gap semester and your arrival next spring."


I also just committed to the spring and got the same email yesterday!
How does your son plan on using the gap semester?

@Anish_Singh - congratulations! He’s exploring options at the moment - Verto vs Community college credits

so were u guys not offered fall waitlist or did u just decide to stay on the spring WL and they accepted you immediately or did they just straight offer a spring acceptence?

My daughter received the same email about staying on the waitlist and Case still being “particularly interested” in her. I wonder how many of those emails went out?

Is anyone from Casewestern Spring Term students of previous years? Jan 2022, Jan 2021, Jan 2020, Jan 2019? Are Spring students allowed to join classes with Fall term students, provided courses eligibility requirements are met? Are they allowed to graduate within 3.5 years?

got off the waitlist for spring admission with a 19k per year scholarship


So the nice news is that our son was offered Spring admission off the waitlist.
He is excited but he (and we) have a few questions that he is searching for official info about.

Does anyone have first-hand experience or close knowledge of what a Spring Start for a Freshman at Case Western looks like?

How readily available are first-in-sequence / first semester classes in the Spring ? ie classes that are prerequisites for other classes.

How are Spring Freshman integrated into housing? Together with Freshmen who started in the Fall? or separate buildings in the same area as other freshmen? or a separate housing location?

Is there an orientation week or are there orientation activities before the Spring semester starts so that students are able to get oriented and make friends?

Years ago when I transferred to UVa as a 3rd-year student, I found many kids had well-established friend groups from first-year dorm living, and it was difficult to connect socially. It could have been a typical transfer experience, UVa or just my lack of assertive social skills (Engineer)

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.