Case Western Reserve Class of 2023 EA Results Thread

Rejected. 3.5 GPA, ACT 34.



Deferred. 93.5 GPA (UW) and 33 ACT.

Accepted w 32k per yr scholarship

33 reading
34 math
34 English
29 science
4.07 w/3.85uw
Really strong ecs and letters of rec
Good essays I think?

deferred 31 ACT and 3.85 GPA

Deferred. 3.9x GPA, 1440 SAT.
Great LORS and reputable school.

I’m very surprised I wasn’t accepted.

I did choose a somewhat risky essay topic that was quite introspective and unique. Perhaps that might have gotten me deferred, or my SAT? I doubt it was my SAT since I’m a well-rounded applicant and am hooked…

I’m actually surprised because I got into EA somewhere else with a 16 percent acceptance rate, but not here. Comes to show how this is all a crapshoot.

Deferred… oh well he’s not bothered at all and got great news about two other schools today. Good luck to everyone!

accepted with 15k a year!

How is everyone seeing decisions without the email?

Also, do you find it odd they’re releasing it at 8 PM lol?

Not expecting an acceptance.

If it doesn’t say the major you chose then did u not get in… and get into the school?

Accepted, ACT: 34 (35 Super) receiving $22.5k/year

Submitted a music supplement as a non-music major but got admitted as a music major.

Strong EC but weak GPA, but I did an interview + visit at CWRU and went to a local info session in school & in the city.

Good luck to everyone, I hope you all get in to where you want to go!!

@equationlover The Applicant Portal now says there’s an update at the top of the checklist

Does anyone know when we have to accept offer by

I do not see an email…? Was it in anyone’s spam?

Deferred, sadly. 1460 SAT and 3.97 unweighted gpa. Really disappointing after getting deferred from Boston College as well.

Accepted!! 3.8 GPA and 1460 SAT

Accepted with 27K merit scholarship
1560 SAT
Triple donor legacy (two grandparents and an uncle)

Deferred… honestly don’t really know why, but I did get accepted into OSU though.
4.2 W GPA, 34 ACT

It just says I was admitted into the school and says nothing about my major… so did I not get into the major I wanted and just the school?