Case Western Reserve Class of 2023 EA Results Thread

D19 Accepted w 25k per yr scholarship : )
Chemistry major

Yay : )

Deferred. I was expecting this, especially since they consider need based aid in results. Since I have an EFC of zero, that really hurts me.

Act 30: 31 E, 27 M, 29 S, 34 R; 3.9 GPA.

Superscore, since CWRU does that, is a 32.

applied engineering.

Accepted, 3.5 GPA and 33 ACT, did an interview and good ECs for my major

It just says I was admitted into the school and says nothing about my major… so did I not get into the major I wanted and just the school?

Son accepted in comp sc with 22.5k scholarship.

Did it say ur major?

Accepted with 33k merit!

Did it say your major


Son was accepted w/$27,500 scholarship!
ACT 34, WGPA 4.4, National Merit Commended Scholar, Varsity athlete, local in Cleveland area

nope…major is not mention but assume admitted to what you applied.

Accepted with 27.5k merit scholarship
3.93 UW and 5.18 W GPA
Strong ECs(Science Olympiad leadership, other stem ecs, Varsity water polo and swim, youth mentor, etc)
Good essay I think?

After being deferred from Michigan I’m happy for this win. Good luck to all those deferred, I know how it feels!

Deferred. 1580 SAT, 3.96 UW GPA 8-| kind of surprised to be honest, I thought of all my schools I would get in here. Anyone else with similar stats get deferred? My essay was really good and personal, and I visited the campus for an interview as well (6 hour drive)

At this rate, if I don’t get into OSU in January, I’m going to be super upset.

Accepted with 37k scholarship!!!
1450 SAT
3.9 UW GPA
Strong EC’s and essay, but I missed my interview so I thought I wouldn’t get in! :slight_smile:

Daughter Accepted!
34 ACT, 99.212 GPA unweighted.
Top 5% of class
Strong EC- volunteer, science Olympiad, athlete, 11 APs, Summer College earned 7 credits from U of Miami, NHS, Theatre,
Biology Major
27.5K Merit Aid

If they said that they can not offer at this time, is that a rejection or defer?

Accepted with $22,500/year scholarship!
White Male from Western NY
1490 SAT, 34 ACT
100.18 Weighted GPA
Class Rank 9/435
Xerox award for Information and Technology (12)
Principal Percussionist of World Youth Wind Symphony (last summer)
Selected for All Eastern Symphony Orchestra (12)
All State (NY) Wind Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra (11 and 12)
School symphonic band officer (12)
40 hours of community service at local church (9, 10, 11, and 12)
Soccer referee (paid work) (11 and 12)
Math, Science, and Spanish Honor Society (10, 11, and 12)

Deferred from U Mich

Good luck everyone! I hope everyone finds a place where they can thrive for the next 4 years.

Accepted. 31 ACT, 4.28 GPA. Strong EC in Comp Sci. 20k merit

Accepted!!! 34 ACT, 4.56 w GPA, OOS.
25k/year University scholarship
Applied engineering (mechanical)