Case Western Reserve Class of 2023 EA Results Thread

Yessssss DD is in! Accepted Nursing + scholarship !!! we are celebrating yayayay

Don’t worry, your son belongs to schools like Stanford, he must be too good for Case.

Right below the CWRU picture is Status update for me…click blue hyperlink that says View Update if it’s there?

anyone from new jersey who got accepted?

Accepted !!
35 ACT
4.0UW + all ECs + 9 APs
22.5K Scholarship

Deferred and it requested to send first-semester grade. It is my top choice

did anyone get the major in the decision page?

@wowbears I haven’t, I would assume that you got accepted to your major of choice

@wedoiw Not necessarily. Believe me. I heard of a lot of horror stories about Asian male kids’ college admissions. Still worried.

if any part of ur application is missing would they email you?

35 ACT
$25k scholarship
CS major
Offered admission to music major based on his application for Arts scholarship (that’s super flattering)

@itsBobo was the major mentioned in your decision?

Accepted 56k in scholarships
29 ACT
3.74 uw
Eagle Scout
FRC Deans List Semi finalist

I guess I should add
1520 SAT
She visited last summer and interviewed
Nat’l Merit Commended in CA
4.0 uw/4.59 w
NCS scholar athlete 4 years varsity swim
YSP at UCDavis and other good ECs

She’s really excited!

accepted with 20k scholarship
34 ACT
3.93 uw
lots of ECs… I did not show any interest

@qwertyuipop Thanks

if a part of ur app was missing…they would have emailed me already right?

Accepted with 32.5k/year!!!
SAT 1560, GPA 95
Decent essay, a few ECs (no real leadership positions though) and didn’t visit.
Ahhh I was really getting nervous because of so many high-stats applicants getting deferred, but I’m really glad! The aid isn’t as much as my parents were expecting though, so we’ll have to talk it over.

1480 SAT, 3.9 Unweighted GPA
Lots of EC’s like Eagle Scout
Went to an open house at Case
$20k scholarship
BME Major

Can someone tell me where to see the major? It’s not in my acceptance letter:/