Case Western Reserve Class of 2023 EA Results Thread

someone answer my question pleasseeee
if a part of my app was missing…they would have told me by now right? im freaking out i havent gotten a decision yet

Hi! When you get admitted, you’re admitted to the whole school(all programs). You declare your major later on in the year…I’m not sure when though.

1420 sat
3.9 uw
major: biochem

DS was Deferred

34ACT, 4.0W/3.6UW
Strong ECs
Potentially meh LOR and essay was good, but definitely not great.
Demonstrated Interest with a visit and an interview.

Given that senioritis hit early and he has to provide a 1st semester grade report, we’re proceeding as if it’s a rejection.


@crknwk2000 did your decision letter mention the “chemistry” major? or you are assuming because that was your choice?

@Neurotic2027 - isn’t the only essay, the common app one? So all your common app schools got the same essay?
Personally I think CASE is really looking at yield. Good luck with your other choices.

At Everyone!!

Major is mentioned if you scroll down and click December 20, 2018.

@banyanyach i am from nj and i did

@Azleah i clicked on that but still see nothing

I got accepted with 33k merit!
1540 SAT 3.8 GPA
Started an organization sophomore year; speak 4 languages

Not sure what my major is? But I applied comp sci

Out of State
1490 SAT, 4.2 Weighted GPA
No Demonstrated Interest
IB Diploma Candidate

For me it did, I didn’t even know I selected a major to be honest till I saw it, it went something like this:

Congrats on your admission, based on your application and your indicated interest in a major in _______.

@Azleah Yes I clicked on it too and see nothing about major…

@Azleah maybe it showed up because you didn’t define a specific major? I also don’t have a mention of major, so I’m guessing they asked your interests and stuck you to a major?

Accepted! I had a 34 superscored with a 3.76 UW and a 4.16 W. I was on the moderate side of ECS and I had great letters of rec. My essay had a unique topic as well. I applied for Marketing.

@wowbears it did not, but that is the major she listed so we’re assuming that’s what she got in for.

OOS Deferred
1390 SAT
3.98 GPA
Essay was probably 9/10 I worked on it for months
Super Strong Recommendations
200+ volunteer hours with Children’s hospital, red cross, nhs, and TA position at science program
3 years of research experience, also multiple presentations at International Research Summit
Biology Major

Some schools I got into were University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon

Accepted with 32.5k scholarship!!
32 ACT
My school doesn’t calculate gpa but probably at least 3.8uw 4.2w
no interview
EC’s are pretty strong
9 AP’s