Case Western Reserve Class of 2023 EA Results Thread

I have to admit, I’m surprised my daughter got deferred. 35 ACT, 3.96 uw 4.34 w. Her junior and senior years are at a STEM high school where all her classes are taken at one of our state universities. So she’s already done with Calc 2, college chemistry and lab, college biology and lab, and will take college physics and lab this last semester. And she’ll have five college CS classes done, all As, by the time she graduates, which is her intended major. And we visited this past October, six hour drive. Would love to know why they believed her not a good fit. Not bitter, just very curious.

Accepted! 31 ACT, 3.88 GPA

Bottom of my acceptance says “p.s. I was so inspired by your advocacy work on the March for Our lives. I hope you work with our CCEL office to continue to make a difference”. Wow it really be the Little things that matter lol that made my day.

My son got in today. Admittedly, we have no financial need. He got $20k in free money (presumably based on test scores and grades). But to my mind it is not quite enough. That still leaves us with $45,000 out of pocket which is big money no matter how you shake it.

Do NOT get me wrong, we love CWRU (our son would be third generation to attend), which is why this is as disappointing as it is.

Does anybody know if CWRU has ever been known to sweeten the pot? Would be nice to close the gap with Ohio State (he’s doing engineering wherever he goes).

Alliblues - seems shocking, but on reflection probably not. They likely gathered your daughter was unlikely to attend if accepted, and this decision was made to protect their yield, which I believe is a very important parameter for them.

By deferring they may be waiting to see if she expresses more interest, which would make them feel better about their chances of actually getting her to attend if accepted.

That’s my take . . .

Our S got admitted with 20k Merit…
3.96 Weighted GPA, 35 ACT,
We visited the campus last Summer…
We personally feel his Personal Statement made the difference. CWRU was one of his top choices.

Decision: ACCEPTED
SAT I (breakdown): 1490 superscore (740 R&W and 750 math) essay 7/6/8
ACT (breakdown): C34 E35 M35 R33 S31 Essay 10
SAT II: Bio E 770 US History 740 Math II 730
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.52
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1 out of 450
AP (place score in parenthesis):
AP Human Geography 5
AP European History 4
AP Macroeconomics 5 (self-study)
AP US Government 5
AP Psychology 4 (self-study)
AP Biology 4
AP Comparative Government 5 (self-study)
AP English Lang 5
AP Environmental Science 4 (self-study)
AP Microeconomics 5 (self-study)
AP Statistics 4 (self-study)
AP US History 5
IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
Senior Year Course Load: AP Gifted English Lit, AP Calc BC, AP Spanish Lit, AP Physics, Choir, DE Accounting I, DE Theatre Appreciation, DE Speech III, DE Criminal Justice, SPAN411 Special Topics in Spanish (not DE); SELF STUDY - AP Art History, AP Music Theory, AP World History, AP Computer Science A, AP Physics 1, AP Physics 2, AP Physics C E&M, AP Physics C Mechanics, AP Spanish Lang and Culture, AP Chemistry, AP Studio Art 2D
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Associate Degree Fall 2018, The president’s service award, national AP scholar, placed at state social studies fair in economics (my intended major), regional science fair winner, Coca-Cola finalist (did not mention), U Rochester George Eastmen Award


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Beta Club (Freshman Rep, Secretary, VP, President), SCIP (President - received $20,000 grant), Leo Club (VP 2 terms), Youth Advisory Council (Chairman), LA HOBY (JC), Maplewood Church of Christ (tech assistant, song leader), National Honor Society, GSA, Student Council, Spanish Honor Society, Key Club, Quiz Bowl, Literary Rally, Mayor’s Youth Advisory Commission, LA Boys State
Job/Work Experience: Caretaker Aug 2016 - present, tutor aug 2018 - present, leather worker and general assistant knife shop aug 2013 - july 2017
Volunteer/Community service: 250+ hours per year
Summer Activities: took college classes 9th - health & pe; 10th DE Stats, SPAN101 not for credit; 11th DE World Hist, ECON341 junior level econ class & I was top scorer. LA HOBY and boys state
Essays (rating 1-10, details): Common App essay spoke wonders to my character and revealed more about my education system
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): Counselor knows me well because I have formed a close relationship with her because I often need her help! haha

Teacher Rec #1: 10/10 AP Lang Teacher & Beta Sponsor - knew her for 4 years
Teacher Rec #2: 9/10 DE Math and AP Calc BC teacher - I always loved her class, and I think she knows it!
Counselor Rec: 7/10 She knows me very well but I think the letter is more formal idk
Additional Rec: none

Applied for Financial Aid?: yes
Intended Major: econ and poli sci
State (if domestic applicant): LA
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: 80,000
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): gay, gender non conforming


Strengths: Essays, test scores
Weaknesses: Activities section. My perspective is that I wanted a central theme of community service, I hope the officers saw this.
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Intrinsic motivation to learn (all my self study classes) earned an association degree fall 2018 while in high school
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:

General Comments: Does anyone know how to view financial aid? ALSO CAN SOMEONE CHANCE ME FOR TOP 20 SCHOOOLS/ IVIES? THANK YOU!

Just got in!
1430 SAT 3.55 UW 4.5 W
solid ECs, good essays, and an internship at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Major: Environmental science

Anyone pre-med ?

if you scroll to the bottom of your admission announcement there should be a link there

@tdampadu is this for housing?

Decision: Accepted

SAT: 1290

Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.7
Weighted GPA: 4.1
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Top 30%, but at VERY competitive school
Senior Year Course Load: 4 APs and the rest honors. (8 APs total)

Extracurriculars: Outstanding. (varsity athletics, NHS, leadership, coaching, demonstrated interest in nursing through summer programs and shadowing, etc.)

Job/Work Experience: Unique work experience

Volunteer/Community service: about 200 hours including creating own program

Essays (rating 1-10, details): Who knows? We thought it looked good. Focused on why nursing inspiration

Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): Pretty great. Two from non-teachers: one was internship supervisor wno said she was the best intern she ever had in 30 years.

Applied for Financial Aid?: yes, but the aid they gave still is about $8000 OVER our EFC on the FAFSA. Disappointing.

Intended Major: Nursing

State (if domestic applicant): VA
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female

Yay! My daughter got in! There are those with higher stats deferred. Why did she get in? She had really awesome extracurriculars and great recommendations. Her extras demonstrated a clear interest in nursing, which seems to be what Case Western Reserve looks for. She is a really well-rounded person with a clear ability to overcome challenges and I guess they liked that.

Yes, I did too lol! It was about my essay topic where I talked about weightlifting. Also started a weightlifting club at my school so maybe that was why.

Deferred. 33 ACT, 3.6 gpa, 11 APs, strong ECs (appointed to advisory board of national organization). Crossing fingers she gets in RD!

@indmom2023 Hey I got deferred too. Very surprised. Are you studying in an IB school in India?

@tdampadu congratulations ! your DD’s hard work paid off

@rofile/alliblues, while your DD’s scholastic work is incredibly impressive, nowhere did you mention a single EC activity. 5 CS classes is outstanding, has she used any of her brilliance in real world applications or done something other than study? I ask because back in th 70s while in HS i self taught Assembly, Fortran, Cobol & C and then built a crude all electronic software base slot machine from a PC and used it as my HS science club project, Suffice to say it caught the attention of many college recruiters and differentiated me from those book smart"er" students.

Go back to CSWU and speak to them again, have your DD show her interest and what else she brings to the table, what makes her tick, what is her passion, and what she can contribute as a student. just my 2c,

Best G

@premedhopefull - when you apply for BS/MD, EA option is eliminated (they don’t consider your application for EA). Given he/she is deferred, Most probably your later guess might be true in the case of @siera19r

Deferred. 35 ACT, 3.6 gpa u/w, BME major, white male. Hoping for RD acceptance.

Decision: Accepted

ACT: 34 = 35/34/31/36
GPA: 3.69/3.95
APs: Physics 1 (3), Calculus AB (5), Language (4); (Taken 10 APs total, 3 honors)
Senior Year Course Load: 4 APs

ASL Club VP, created an online magazine, participated in community theatre, created a magazine club at school (though during senior year), tutored academic work and taught cello, received an award for 100+ hours of community service in a year.

Pretty good common app essay. Wrote about interest in writing as something like pushing boundaries and limits of myself.

Great teacher recs, and a likely mediocre counselor rec.

Applied for financial aid, received $20k scholarship

Intended major: Business Management and/or theater

Asian Female

Strengths: Standardized test score, rigorous course load, common app essay
Weaknesses: Lower GPA
Why you think you were accepted: Good standardized test score and interest in writing and the arts

General Comments:
Wasn’t sure whether I’d be getting in or not; thought it could go either way with my stats.

SAT: 1450 (750 reading 700 math)
GPA: 4.9 W 3.76 UW
8 AP (5 lang, 4 apush, 4 world, 3 chem)
ECS: captain of marching band/lots of other band involvement, volunteer work, varsity track
Essays: I had a strong common app essay
Recs: 3 recs from teachers that knew me well
Visited, had an interview , went to school presentation
financial aid: $22,500 a year scholarship
OOS female
strengths: Essays, ecs, test scores?
weakness: gpa

comments: also accepted to umich, osu honors, miami of ohio honors, and pitt business honors